Thursday, May 31, 2007

House of Lords

I love it. Memorial day was this week where the nation is supposed to take even just a moment to remember those who died in defense of this nation, yet the only thing we get force-fed is news of sales on TV's and new grills for a cookout. Our federal government is using the war as a tool for political posturing with only a small handful that truly "get it" and how serious it is. And even President Bush did nothing in my mind to show me he has backbone when he gave a speech today where he addressed this ridiculous immigration bill. What did he say? "If you want to scare the American people, what you say is the bill’s an amnesty bill. That’s empty political rhetoric, trying to frighten our citizens.” Oh really? Let's take a look at the definition of amnesty.

"a general pardon for offenses, esp. political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction."

So let's look at what this bill says. The criminals who broke the law sneaking into this country and leeching off taxpayers face no criminal penalties. Ummm....yeah. This isn't amnesty??? Oh wait, they have to pay a fine...but they get YEARS to pay this fine which is money owed to this country from the freeloaders anyway. THEY BROKE THE FRIGGIN' LAW!!!! If they aren't deported, which the law in place calls for, then that's amnesty. Isn't it wonderful to know that our president is spitting on the graves of those who died for this country? Everyone who supports this bill should be impeached and kicked out of that's ever going to happen. I can't believe my grandfather fought the Japanese in the Pacific to live long enough to see this crap happen.

And now some arab news source has released some horrendous photos. Remember a couple weeks ago when 3 soldiers were supposedly captured in Iraq? Well this news source has released some pictures which show the true nature of the savages that want to kill us, the same ones that Michael Moore referred to as freedom fighters. These pictures are pretty graphic, just wanted to warn you. Here you go -

Remember the Abu Grahib photos that had the cowardly liberals in Washington and the rest of the world all up in arms over the "torture"? I want to know WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE OUTRAGE OVER THESE?!?!? Right now on the news is some stupid story of Lindsay Lohan's DUI...because that's just soooo important. Remember when the pics from Abu Grahib were made public and watching TV was almost like 24 hour coverage of the photos? Yeah, let me reflect on that...some pics of dudes in a naked pyramid, some panties on their heads, a shot of a dog barking at a prisoner...oh wait...there was the one shot of a dead guy and a soldier giving a "thumbs up" over the body...but the body was completely intact so I'm sure he was tortured. Oh boo hoo...cry me a friggin' river. This country was able to defeat two enemies, Germany and Japan, in less time than we've had soldiers in Iraq. Does that say something? It should. It says that we have a government that is too afraid to do what has to be done. We have a joke as a commander in chief who walks on eggshells while trying to run a war because he's too damn scared of what some dumbass like Ted Kennedy or Nancy Pelosi will say. Speaking of which, those jackasses are traitors, plain and simple. They don't give a damn about our soldiers...because if they did they wouldn't bitch and whine so much about the war we're in. Every time they whine and complain, it does nothing but prolong what's going on. But hey, as long as they keep their power, what in the hell do they care? I am sick to my stomach after seeing these photos. Not just because of how barbaric they are, but also because this idiot government bends over backwards to make sure Muslims aren't offended here in America, and they use our soldiers like pawns just so they can stay elected.

When will this country change? We are being run by cowards who think appeasement and compromise is the way to go. All compromise means is that you are too much of a coward to show leadership and stand for what you believe in. While Lindsay Lohan is being discussed, we have soldiers being mutilated and the news doesn't want to talk about that because it might show how full of crap their anti-America reporting is. Did you see the news this week about the terrorist "safe house" that was discovered in Iraq? Did you hear about all the manuals recovered that showed how to torture people along with tools to do it with? Probably might show what savages and barbarians want to destroy us.

So what do we do? Honestly...what in the hell do we do? If we vote someone out of office, there's just another selfish jackass who doesn't give a crap about doing what's right to take their place. When in the hell will our government actually act in the best interest of US for a change instead of themselves? Here's another great example on a local level. In Tennessee, our state government had a HUGE surplus in tax revenue last year. I don't have the exact number, but I believe it numbered in the hundreds of millions of dollars. So does this mean tax breaks for us? Maybe a lower sales tax? Oh of course not. This just means that this money will be divided up among the state legislature to use how they want in their district, meanwhile a higher cigarette tax and possible toll roads are being debated.

Illegal immigrants given amnesty, a war where our soldiers are being beheaded and we refuse to take the gloves off, and our surplus tax money being wasted while legislation might even raise our taxes. This is our government. Now I listen to a lot of talk radio, and I constantly hear about "voter apathy" and it's up to the citizens to vote and blah blah blah. It's no wonder so few vote because what friggin' choice do we really have???

Look at what The Declaration of Independence states - "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." We can throw out the first part, because the only "consent" we give is due to the fact that laws and regulations have been put in place to make sure that if you don't have the money or a party, then you don't have a chance. Think about what context this was written in. When this statement was written, the cry was "no taxation without representation". Gee, I kind of feel the same way, as I'm sure MANY people do. Again I ask, what do we do? I really don't know. When I ran for the Senate last year, every single night I was going to sleep angry and frustrated because of the giant uphill battle it was. Some people I know have asked if I'm going to run again in 2008, and I honestly don't know. I feel I should just so I can at least vote for someone that I KNOW truly gets it, but that other part of me knows how much time and energy I spent trying to do something to make a difference that just seemed like an afterthought.

I hate to say this, but I honestly think that change in this country will only happen when we get hit worse than we did on 9/11. Is that pessimistic? Probably, but it's just a gut feeling. Now I am no beacon of virtue, because I know there are a lot of pissed off people who do everything they can, but I can't believe how many people have become so apathetic when our nation is being taken over by a foreign invasion, our military is not allowed to do what they need to do to save American lives, and our tax money is being used in ways it is NEVER supposed to be...while there is always more talk of increasing taxes. This is still a great country, no doubt about it, but those of us who adhere to the principles this country was founded upon have got to figure out a way to make a real difference...and I'm open for suggestions.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just a Few More Days…

I honestly think we find out in a few days exactly what the future of this country is going to be. I’m sure you’ve heard about the amnesty for illegals bill that sounds like it could be voted on early next week, and if this goes through, I can’t imagine a bigger slap in the face to this country that our “leaders” could be capable of. What’s even more pathetic is that this vote could come just a few days before Memorial Day…the day where this nation is supposed to take some time to honor all the people who have lost their lives not only defending and spreading freedom, but also to make sure that this country stays a sovereign nation in the way our founding fathers intended it to be. If this bill passes, then every single person who gave their life in defense of this nation has been spit on.

Have you looked at this bill? What a joke! So the head of the family is supposed to return back to their country to apply for a special visa within 8 years, and then pay a $5,000 fine that can be spread out over time. Yeah, and this will be enforced how??? WE DON’T EVEN ENFORCE EXISTING LAWS!!! If our “leaders” can’t even make sure existing laws are enforced, then how in the hell are we supposed to think that some huge new plan will EVER get enforced??? I’m not buying this crap for a minute, and I know a lot of you feel the same way.

I am so sick of hearing about how this nation was built by immigrants and blah blah friggin’ blah. The same ones who say that always seem to leave out the word “legal”. The majority, because I know some bad apples came in as well, of immigrants in this country’s history have become a PART of this country. There is nothing wrong with appreciating your heritage or where your family comes from, but if you come to this country to live then speak the friggin’ language, be a productive citizen who actually pays taxes and doesn’t leech off the rest of us, and don’t think for a second that everyone is going to bend over backwards and forget the history and traditions of this country. I sure as hell won’t, and I know many other people who feel the same way.

I can’t even put into words how frustrated and angry I am over this. I will say this - I think anyone who votes in favor of this bill, and especially President Bush if he signs it into law, should all be impeached would be guilty of treason. So because our do-nothing government caters to special interest groups and doesn’t want to enforce the law, they are willing to rewrite the law. What I want to know is if about 20 million of us decided we aren’t going to pay taxes anymore, would we be given amnesty? After all, it might be too difficult to enforce. This would go beyond “no taxation without representation”. Not only are we not being represented with this amnesty bill, it’s also a complete violation of the duties our government is supposed to uphold.

Our government is treating us like we’re just supposed to be good little serfs and till the land. And if this bill passes, I truly feel that this country is done for. Am I being dramatic? Not at all. So what can we do? I’ve heard talk radio today say that we need to be sure to contact our Senators…but will it matter? I hate to be that cynical, but I can’t help it. After all, I have yet to hear of anyone who might be running against Lamar Alexander in 2008, and since Bob Corker just got into office, he won’t have to worry about an election for a while.

I wrote in several blogs during the election about how Thomas Jefferson stated that when this government fails to do the will of the people that it needs to be replaced. It’s getting to that point. I’m not saying they do the will of the people much anyway, but passing this amnesty bill should be the final straw.

We are a country held hostage by a two party system, and those in government have set it up to keep it that way. Our founding fathers would look at everything now and cry over what they went through only to see it spit on. Tonight I am absolutely livid, and I pray to God this bill doesn’t pass.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Liberals = Traitors

If you haven't read it yet, there's an article that came out today where Al-Qaida's number 2 cockroach gets his jollies off the fact that we have a bunch of traitors in Congress. Gee, who would have thought that the "Surrender to the scumbag terrorists" spending bill Congress approved would have such an effect. Check out the article here -

The part that REALLY pissed me off above everything else was this - "This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap," al-Zawahri said, according to a transcript released by the monitoring group SITE. The bill is evidence of American "failure and frustration," he added.

So there you go. Evidence of the traitors we have in Washington who embolden our enemy. What happened to charges of treason? Why in the hell can't these people be held accountable for giving support to the enemy? Who has the guts to actually call for impeachments and resignations? And what I really want to know is who will call the bastards out on giving support to the enemy? No one, that's who. We have a MAJORITY party in Washington that has given a HUGE morale boost to an enemy that wants us all dead. Basically, this country is being ruled by people who would rather side with madmen who want to wipe us out. I just hope that someone will inform these jackass scumbag politicians that American blood is on their they really even care. I swear, I am so pissed off after reading this article I'm probably rambling.

Where is OUR voice in Washington? Where are OUR elected representatives calling a press conference to show the damage that has been done by this bill? Bob Corker is probably attending the latest "How Republicans can be in control in '08" meeting and can't be bothered with something like this. If I was in Washington, I would not rest until I made sure that the country heard about this story and called EVERY SINGLE PERSON who voted in favor of this spending bill a traitor. Man am I pissed off. And the worst part about it is what do we do?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

"Peaceful" Protests

It’s such a shame how the LAPD acted at MacArthur Park yesterday, isn’t it? Put yourself in their shoes for a moment and you can see how what they did was WAY out of line. First off, there was a huge demonstration going on that included a bunch of people who BROKE THE LAW coming into this country all screaming about how they deserve to be citizens. Next, the demonstrators were supposed to stay confined to the park, but somehow made their way out into the streets. So the police show up in riot gear, and start getting pelted with rocks and bottles. They are outnumbered and have no idea how out of hand this might get. How DARE they exercise force to gain control of the situation! Have you seen the videos on the web? Those poor demonstrators getting shot with rubber bullets or whacked with a baton when they won’t move back…who do these officers think they are? After all, common sense dictates that when the police show up in riot gear and demand people to move that you don’t have to, and if you get hit then it’s not your fault. I find it fitting that this Friday is the anniversary of the Kent State shootings where again a bunch of fascists decided to slaughter innocent people.

How could the National Guard shoot into a crowd at Kent State? After all, the only things that happened leading up to that moment were incidents such as the campus R.O.T.C. building set on fire and the fireman being pelted with rocks as they battled the blaze. And the National Guard had stuff thrown at them as well. They tried to disperse the crowd with teargas, but the peaceful protestors decided to throw the canisters back at them along with other items. Warning after warning was issued…so how DARE the National Guard open fire. Don’t we have a right to peaceful protest? Sure, a building was set on fire and the National Guardsmen were attacked, but that’s no excuse.

Ok, enough sarcasm. Yes, it sucks people had to die at Kent State, and it sucks people had to get beat and shot with rubber bullets in Los Angeles, but oh well. If you don’t want this happening to you, here’s a little tip - don’t support illegal activities. Oh I know, I’m being “judgemental” now. First off, the people in LA were supporting an illegal activity, and I have a gut feeling that a lot of those in attendance broke the law by sneaking into this country. If immigration laws had never been broken, the event in LA yesterday would not have happened. At Kent State, the days leading up to that fateful day saw a building set on fire, police being pelted with items, and the call to “bring the war home”. You don’t think those Guardsmen thought they might be in danger? Honestly, I’m not going to second-guess their decision.

Liberals want actions with NO consequences, and reality says otherwise. You attack police when engaging in an illegal activity or supporting one, then you might get hit. You set an R.O.T.C. building on fire, attack the firemen, and throw stuff at the National Guard? Yeah, you might get shot at. Sure, some might say that we have a right to stand up to the government when they’re wrong, and I completely agree. But those of us with a lick of common sense can look at these two situations and know that the actions by the demonstrators weren’t done out of true patriotism…it was done for a bs and radical left-wing agenda.

I honestly feel bad for the LAPD who are going to be dragged over the coals for this, because they really had no clue how out of hand things might get. So to those who are crying about excessive force being used against you in LA yesterday, maybe next time you’ll think twice about supporting something ILLEGAL.