Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Courts Got SOMETHING Right!

According to an AP story today, “Guantanamo Bay detainees may not challenge their detention in U.S. courts, a federal appeals court said Tuesday”. Well it’s about friggin’ time someone had the guts to actually rule this way and do what’s right. What absolutely boggles my mind is the fact this ever WENT to court to begin with. Now the article did say this will be appealed to the Supreme Court…like that’s a big surprise…and hopefully they’ll rule the same.

How did we get to this point? How do so-called Americans want to represent these savages in our courts? THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD! Have these terrorist-lovers heard about the types of people that are being held there? Did they know these are basically the same as POW’s in World War II? This group of detainees is made up of cockroaches who were trying to kill American soldiers and were captured. NO civilian should be given access to see them, especially Americans. Any lawyer who wants to represent these savages should be tried for treason. And don’t you love how when people scream about these barbarians’ rights they always want to use the term “Geneva Convention”? Have you ever read the Geneva Convention? I have, and I doubt those who scream about us adhering to it ever have. There are such provisions as providing a commissary where toiletries and tobacco can be purchased, and also a provision to pay the prisoners and put that money into an account that awaits them upon their release. The whole thing is a joke and NO country has ever adhered to it.

Our military does treat prisoners better than any other, like it or not. And if you want to yell about the pictures from Abu Grahib, give me a break. I heard many stories about the types of people that were being held there, and for them to have panties on their head was pretty tame compared to what they deserved. What I find amazing is the idiots who would side with Jane Fonda forget that she knows EXACTLY what happened in the POW camps in Vietnam where Americans were held, yet she didn’t care. They side with a woman who basically ignored the LEGITIMATE torture that happened to American soldiers yet had no pity.

There’s a part of me that is like “if these tree-huggers want something to whine about when it comes to treatment of these detainees then let’s shoot them in the leg with a bullet soaked in pig’s blood” since that will ruin any chance of meeting the 72 virgins…at least then these sympathizers and traitors will have some real substance to whine about. LEt me put it this way - if I got my hands on someone that was trying to kill my family and showed no remorse, they would wish they were dead. I applaud the restraint our soldiers show when I don’t think I could.

Hopefully our courts will quit wasting time and money dealing with the enemy. This is a WAR!!! It’s not some guy who robbed a store…these are people who want to wipe out our complete existence. Let them rot for all I care. And if someone gives me that line about “well what happens when you get detained with no access to the courts?” I would say that I have never called a known terrorist, I don’t visit terrorist websites, I don’t email terrorists, and I WASN’T SHOOTING AT AMERICAN SOLDIERS!!!! Heck, I bet John Walker Lindh will get out of jail and write some best-seller called “Why I Fought Capitalism” and will do a HUGE book tour with appearances on Oprah. The scumbag should be shot or hung.

Hopefully this appeal will hurry up and go to the Supreme Court and get shot down…then maybe these terrorist-lovers will quit crying about access to our courts.

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