I had The Oscars on tonight while I was punching away at my heavy bag, and once again Hollywood shows their true colors. Melissa Ethridge was playing a song from Al Bore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, and behind her on a giant screen were all sorts of helpful tips as to how we can save the environment. It was like those movies you see about the future where propaganda is constantly played on screens all over the city. While watching this, I couldn’t help but laugh. We are being given all these ways to save the environment and stop global warming from people who sat in idling limousines while waiting to be dropped off on the red carpet, and we all know how fuel efficient limousines are. And I’m sure a lot of these same people flew to attend the awards, which of course is not exactly conserving fuel. But what else should we expect from these elitists?
Remember last year when George Clooney took it upon himself to proclaim how Hollywood has a history of taking on social causes? He stated how people were saying that Hollywood was out of touch, and then cited examples to show how they weren’t. These examples included such items as how Hollywood was at the front of the civil rights movement. How? Is that because the first “talkie” starred Al Jolsen wearing blackface? Or was it all those movies where black men worked in train cars and black women all dressed like Aunt Jemima? How about Clooney stating Hollywood was at the forefront of AIDS awareness…is that because Rock Hudson was the first person with name recognition to die from AIDS? I guess wearing a little ribbon really means you’re standing up for a cause.
That’s why Elvis was the king. At a press conference when he was talking about his Las Vegas shows, he was asked his opinion on the Vietnam War. Did he take the opportunity to say how much he hated the president or how illegal and unjust it was? No. He said , “Ma’am I’m just an entertainer and my opinion on that really doesn’t matter”. Why can’t these Hollywood hypocrites act the same way? Oh wait, they make a living acting like they’re someone else so their opinions really have some merit.
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