Monday, April 30, 2007

Hello ACLU...where are you???

Today news hit on talk radio and the internet about foot-washing basins being installed at the Kansas City airport to accomodate Mulsims who need to wash their feet before praying and blah blah blah. Let me get this straight…American airports are going to bend over backwards to a “religion” that is responsible for 9/11? Yeah, wow, this makes perfect sense to me. So what I want to know is where in the heck is the ACLU??? Seriously, I want someone who lives in Kansas City to contact their local ACLU chapter about launching a lawsuit. I’m not kidding. In fact, if I don’t hear from someone in the next few days about contacting the ACLU, I’ll do it myself and I’ll post it all here. What if I demanded a chapel be put in all airports so I can pray before a flight? Where’s the harm in that? All I want to do is pray for a safe flight, right? Oh we can’t have that because then I’d be cramming my religion down someone’s throat. So I can’t smoke in most airports, but this “religion” that is responsible for terrorism gets catered to. Yeah, makes perfect sense to me.

Seriously, I want someone to contact the ACLU about this in Kansas City and scream about “separation of church and state” and let me know what they have to say. If not, I’ll contact them. I just think it would have more substance to it if someone in that area got in touch with them. Please, someone in Kansas City contact them and comment to me. I am not going to let this rest. I’m absolutely livid. Remember at Christmas when someone whined about a Christmas tree at an airport so all the decorations were taken down? And here we are, just a few months later where this false religion who’s followers are willing to blow themselves up to take out the infidels, and hijacked a few planes to kill over 3,000 American citizens is having the red carpet rolled out for them at our airports.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Happy Earth Day!

When I was a little kid and would whine and cry for no reason, my dad would usually say something like “You better knock it off, or I’ll give you something to cry about”. I’m sure we’ve all heard that growing up. Yesterday I decided to put that saying into practice. Now I’m sure EVERYONE knew it was Earth Day because of how important it is, and I’m sure hippies were having recycling parties and playing king of the mountain seeing who could be the number one person on the soapbox to show all of us unenlightened people just how crucial global warming is. I’ve stated it numerous times before, I don’t believe that this man-made global warming junk is going to doom the planet it ten years. Does this mean I don’t care about pollution? Well according to the radical nutjobs it does. So yesterday I decided to celebrate Earth Day as a truly evil conservative hate-monger who doesn’t give a flip about natural resources. After all, I don’t have any kids, so why would I care if I waste the Earth’s resources and pollute the planet? I’ll be long gone when the trouble starts. Now to prove that I’m not one of these people that’s all talk and no action *cough* Al Gore *cough*, I decided to show photographic evidence of how I celebrated Earth Day and did whatever I could to waste natural resources. Hey, I’m an evil conservative, remember? So if the eco-freaks want something to cry about, please keep reading.

During warm weather months, I usually keep my house at about 74 or 75 degrees…but not yesterday. As an aside, I think it’s strange how this has been about the coldest April I can remember, but again, I’m an evil conservative that doesn’t see all the “evidence” of man-made global warming. When I got up, the first thing I did was cut my AC on full blast to a chilly 68 degrees. Hey, it’s my friggin house and I’ll keep it as cold as I want. In fact, here’s a picture to prove what I set it to when I woke up -

Again, I’m a man of action. Yes, it was a wee bit nippy inside, but eco-freaks would think I’d waste resources so I had to endure it. After that it was time for the morning protein shake, and step two in wasting resources and damaging the environment. I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a very environmentally unfriendly refrigerator. I opened the door, and here’s the sticker on the inside that I saw -

In case you can’t read it, the sticker states - “WARNING: Contains CFC11 and CFC12. Substances which harm public health and environment by destroying ozone in the upper atmosphere.” Seriously, could me, as an evil conservative, have a better refrigerator? I think not. So it’s destroying the ozone…I don’t care. As long as my Coke Zero is ice cold then that’s all that matters. Well when I saw this sticker, I felt the need to release as much CFC11 and CFC12 into the atmosphere as possible, so I left the door open for HOURS as shown below -

Oh I know what you’re thinking - “But Bo, didn’t your Coke Zero get warm?” Please, I’m smarter than that. All I had to do was turn down the thermostat of the fridge to increase the output. Yes, more CFC11 and CFC12 probably were pumped into the atmosphere, but as cold as April has been I figured we could use a little warming. Up next was water. Now I battled with this one. The reason being, if all the polar ice caps are melting and raising the sea levels to where we will all be living in Atlantis in a few years, by me wasting water, I might be helping the cause. Oh well, I got through it. So I decided to cut on every faucet and just let them run. Yep, even though we’ll all be living in the deep seas sometime soon, I decided to waste water. So here’s a few photos showing that -

Once again I show that I’m a man of action! Just look at all that precious water going to waste…it’s a shame isn’t it? Remember, I’m an evil conservative and because I am one, I have to waste any and all resources I can because I’m not as thoughtful as someone like Al Gore. Speaking of Big Al, he claims his businesses and houses are carbon neutral, whatever in the heck that means. He’s come up with this idea about carbon dioxide being a pollutant. Now I don’t know about you, but when something is needed to keep living organisms alive, like plants and trees for example, I don’t really see how it can be a pollutant. Then again, I’m not as enlightened as Big Al. Of course people with his mentality didn’t feel the need to supply Terry Schiavo with resources to keep her alive, but I digress. So I felt the need to expel as much CO2 in the air as possible…providing such an over-abundance of it that all the plants couldn’t possibly use it all to convert it to oxygen. How did I do this? Well one thing is my band had practice, so I truly emphasized the need for me to practice vocals on all the new songs over and over and over. Another way was I spent a lot of time on the phone talking about nothing. This is evidenced here -

As you can see, the battery indicator in the upper right shows my phone is about of juice, so I talked quite a bit. I dialed several wrong numbers and tried to strike up conversations, and in fact ordered a pizza during the busiest time just so I would be put on hold where I talked to myself the entire time. This also resulted in someone getting in their car to burn gas to bring me food. And yes, that’s Eric Cartman on my phone. He can’t stand hippies, I can’t stand hippies…seemed like a perfect match…hahaha.

Well I truly hope everyone had a great Earth Day and really made yourself feel better by saving the planet. I did my part to destroy it since I’m supposed to as an evil conservative. So there you go, hopefully I gave eco-freaks something to really whine about. Hey, I’m just doing what I can to help people…hahaha.

I get quite cynical at times. Oh I know, VERY hard to believe, isn’t it? I can’t stand it when people take up a cause and try to show just how awesome of a person they are because they are “raising awareness”. If you care about the environment and want to do your part, then I’m all for it, but don’t turn it into a show. Don’t come out and act like I’m an idiot because I don’t see things your way. So I’m supposed to put stock in the man-made global warming stuff because a guy that played a bartender on “Cheers” speaks about it? Who in the heck made Ted Danson an authority on anything? Oh wait, he’s a celebrity, so he’s more enlightened than I am. Just like Al Gore. Big Al makes some stupid movie and because I don’t swallow everything, I’m closed-minded and hateful. Meanwhile HE’S the one who has a couple of houses wasting energy and flying around in a private plane to talk about us serfs wasting energy. Now I know someone will probably email me and say “How can you act like this?” over what I’m about to talk about, but whatever. I’ve mentioned before I sleep with the TV on…it’s just a habit I got in years ago. I leave it on the local ABC channel, primarily because the local news traffic reporter is a very pleasant face to see when I wake up…haha. Her name is Theresa Weakly I think…what a babe. Anyway, this past Friday when “Good Morning America” started, Robin Roberts and Diane Sawyer were sitting at the desk wearing orange and red. They started talking about how that day everyone should wear the Virginia Tech colors to show support to the victims of the massacre and blah blah blah. Yes, it was horrible, but for me to wear the school colors here in Nashville would be completely meaningless, unless I wanted to walk around that day thinking “wow…look at how awesome I am…I’m showing my support to the victims even though I’m a thousand miles away and no one impacted by it will see me”. It was one thing to fly the flag after 9/11 because the COUNTRY was attacked, but for me someone to wear the VA Tech colors because of the shootings? Fine, do what you have to do to feel good about yourself. I’m sure it’s really helping….yawn. It reminds me of a commercial I saw back around 1990 when eco-freaks really started being a “voice”. There was a commercial for Downy detergent, and how you could buy this small cardboard box of concentrate you could refill the big plastic bottle with and add some water. The commercial had Jill Housewife filling up the big bottle, and then collapsing the box and throwing it away. I’ll never forget the final scene where she’s in the park with her kids and ready to spread the picnic blanket…she turns to the camera and goes “And it’s also nice knowing that not only am I saving money, but I’m making the future better for my kids”. Oh please…give me a break. Hey, how about the gas you burned going to the park? If people want to give to something or help something then fine…more power to you…but don’t make it a show, it just looks SO insincere. To sum up, I’d like to be a religious zealot and quote from the words of Jesus -

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” - Matthew 6:2-4

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Leave It To a "Politician"

As the details of the worst shooting spree in America are still being sorted out, one politician has taken this opportunity to show what a true jackass he is. I hated to think it, but I knew when this happened that someone running for president would say something about it and tie it into their campaign. Personally I thought it would be John Edwards considering he’s about as sharp as a bag of wet liver (thanks Foghorn Leghorn), but it wasn’t. It was the candidate everyone is praising as a superstar, as the man who can work with both parties, a man who can rise above “politics” and really get something done. It was none other than the idiot Barack Obama. In a speech he gave last night (that you can check out at Obama uses this tragedy as an opportunity to talk about violence in America…you know…to show his “vision” for the country. So what did he reference in this speech that he tied to the massacre at Virginia Tech? Such “violent” things as Don Imus’ remark about “nappy headed ho’s” and the violence of jobs being outsourced overseas. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS CRAP?!?!

Now I NEVER thought Obama had any mental capacity whatsoever to serve as a “leader”, but to think this idiot is being heralded as the second coming scares me to death. For him to downplay this event as he did in a speech all for political gain is FAR worse than ANYTHING Don Imus said last week. Comparing someone losing a job or being called a name to a college student who was gunned down by a madman shows that this guy will do and say anything without ANY conscience whatsoever to be elected…as if we didn’t already know. Obama should be ashamed of himself…but I’m sure his team is already working on damage control for this and the liberal sheep will buy into it.

In fact, I can already tell you what he’ll say. He’ll backtrack a little bit and say that what he was trying to do was paint a broad picture of how America is so divided that we have created a culture where people focus on differences…and because of this you get groups of people who don’t feel that the American Dream can be theirs and blah blah I have no point except to stay vague blah blah blah. Barack, you are a complete pile of scum (I’m being nice) and I hope that your self-serving speech will be the end of your time in politics. You are an embarrassment to this country.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I’m sure everyone has heard by now that Don Imus’ radio show is no more. Do I think what he said was stupid? Yes I do. Did he deserve to be fired? No…and I’ll tell you why. First, I can’t believe I’m even spending time on this, but I have a point so stick with me. Don Imus made his remarks a week ago, yet it took a few days for everyone to be offended. This shows how few people listened to that segment that day as well as put any stock in what Don Imus said. If there was outrage expressed that day or the day after and he was fired then, well maybe I could look at this situation as the employer doing the right thing. But given the amount of time this whole scenario took to play out, it shows me that the BIGGEST reason racism exists is to keep jackasses like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in business. Yes, what I’m saying is the two biggest names that supposedly lead the fight for civil rights and to end racism are the two who keep it going so they’ll have a paycheck.

I want to share a story about how I learned about racism. I was 5 years old, and my family went to a campground for the weekend. One afternoon, I told my parents I was going to walk right up the trail to play in the playground. I get there, and was the only white person. I started to get on a swing and a couple of black little boys came over and started telling me that “honkeys aren’t allowed on these swings” and they pushed me off. I started to walk to the monkey bars where several black kids were playing and they all started telling me “these bars ain’t for honkeys!”, and not knowing what they meant, I started to climb them. Guess what, several black kids pulled me off and once again informed me that honkeys weren’t allowed. Now I was 5 years old and had no clue what was going on, but I was upset because all I wanted to do was play. I went back to where my family had our camp setup and my dad could see I was upset. I told him what happened and he told me that sometimes people of different races don’t like others who aren’t in their race. I honestly had a hard time with that, because at the time one of my best friends was a black kid named Alan who I was in pre-school with. That was my introduction to racism. It’s funny in a sad way because I always hear about racism being taught…so that means these kids were told to hate white people.

I don’t say this to be negative about blacks at all. I say this to show that racism can and does exist in races other than white people. And guess what…it will NEVER go away in this world. As long as people look different, there will be people who don’t like them. It’s the way it’s been for a long time, so just deal with it. If I was to travel to Watts or Compton, would I be welcome with open arms? Yeah, right. It’s just the way things are, and you live with it. Is it right? No, but like I said, it’s the way things are. And do you know what I think is the number one contributor to racism? It’s when people keep making it an issue. I don’t care if you’re white, black, or whatever…there will always be people who don’t like you because of your race. So what do you do? You ignore it and LIVE YOUR LIFE!

I watched “South Park” last night, and they made so much fun of the stereotypical lesbian, Iranian, and Mexican that I can’t believe there wouldn’t be outrage over it. In fact, they even have a character named Token Black. So why doesn’t Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson go after Trey Parker and Matt Stone? Easy…because they know these guys won’t back down. Heck, they already made fun of Jesse Jackson in a show…someone said the “n” word and to apologize he had to kiss Jackson’s bare butt. Why aren’t they outraged over this? Oh wait…there’s no blood in the water.

I hope this shows that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are like sharks in the water looking for blood. Both of these individuals disgust me because they call themselves reverends, yet do NOTHING but divide people and run around screaming about hate. They are attention whores and have used this situation with Don Imus to try and prove some sort of relevance. When people quit making race an issue, it won’t be a big deal. To quote from the movie “Rocky Balboa” - “Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!”

So do you want to point fingers and be a coward using excuses? It’s what Sharpton and Jackson want so they can have power. They thrive by continuing to point out that the system is against you, therefore you can’t succeed without their help. They’re liars, and the fact they call themselves “reverend” disgusts me. Remember this - Jesus was from Nazareth and Nazarenes were considered VERY low on the social ladder. Did He EVER say your perceived status was a valid excuse for not pursuing something? I don’t think He did.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sticks and Stones…

The lastest news is the madman in Iran is enriching uranium, our “leaders” in Washington are still squabbling over funding that the troops need, illegal immigrants are still killing people while driving drunk (the latest being the man who directed the classic movie “A Christmas Story”), and EVERY friggin news show I watch or listen to is doing NOTHING but talking about this crap with Don Imus calling some basketball players “nappy headed ho’s”. SO WHAT! I swear, the media is treating this like no one has ever been called a name before. Remember hearing the saying as a kid about sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you? Gee, what was that, 1st grade??? When I was a fat kid and was called names, did I run and tell the teacher? Did I act like my life was ruined? No, I didn’t. You know what I did? I learned a LONG time ago that it doesn’t matter one bit what someone else thinks of me. That was something my dad would constantly tell me growing up…don’t worry about someone who says something bad about you because someone always will. The only opinion anyone has that you have to worry about is your own. For example, when I was involved in the Senate race last year I was called all sorts of names in blogs and newspapers. I read that I was a racist, a bigot, a religious zealot, and my personal favorite, a murdercon. Did I run around screaming how offended I was and demand apologies? No, I’m an adult, and I would honestly laugh and call my buddies to tell them the new name I had been called. It provided a lot of laughs honestly. Yet Don Imus says what he says and the world is coming to an end. WHO CARES!?!

I swear, this is a great example of why this country is so screwed up. We have “leaders” who are SO concerned that the rest of the world doesn’t call us a bad name that we walk on eggshells when dealing with people who would LOVE to saw our heads off. While we are still in the middle of a war that won’t end anytime soon, we have media morons spending every waking moment on Imusgate. Now, my favorite moment of this whole thing has to have been last night when I saw Jesse Jackson on Glenn Beck’s TV show. He said that no one has the right to talk about people that way. Oh really? When did this happen? I’ve got every friggin right I want to say whatever I want about anyone. It doesn’t mean it’s appropriate, or that I should be surprised if there are any ramifications, but I can say anything about anyone. Like it or not, I DO have that right.

I was really hoping that after the Anna Nicole Smith fiasco fizzled, we could actually hear about what was going on around us that TRULY affected us…oh how wrong I was. Wait, what’s this? I better go, the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby was announced today so I’m sure it’s on every friggin news outlet and this is some real news.

Offended? THEN GROW UP!!!

Yes, it’s been a while since I posted, and some of it has to do with my schedule being full. But the other reason is because every time I would log in to write, I found myself getting livid. It’s like every single story I read, someone is offended. England won’t teach about The Holocaust or The Crusades in school because they don’t want to offend the Muslims. Muslims are trying to sue airline passengers because some reported their suspicious behavior and they’re all offended. Illegal immigrants are all offended because we have laws that the illegals refuse to recognize, and when they get enforced, they start crying about it. And of course the media reports these stories like we’re supposed to be all sympathetic. Well please pass me a tissue. I’m amazed that liberals, who have absolutely NO sense of right and wrong, are the first ones to scream about how offensive something is. Yet If I, a Christian conservative, say something is wrong I’m labelled a bigot, intolerant, a hate-monger, a racist, a religious zealot, or a homophobe. And on another note, why is it that those who supposedly represent me in Washington won’t speak out against these groups of people screaming about how offended they are? It’s because those that supposedly represent MY values are cowards and only care about getting re-elected. Outside of Tom Tancredo, there is not one candidate for the President race that I could support, and sadly he probably doesn’t have a chance. Even if Fred Thompson decides to run, I wouldn’t support him. I’ve always thought of him as a politician’s politician, and then after one of my best friends told me about his experiences working with him and what a jerk he was, I will not vote for him.

So back to my point…why is it that I can’t scream about being offended? Maybe it’s because I’m a mature adult who doesn’t whine like a little baby when someone says something I don’t agree with. Liberals are a bunch of cowards and cry-babies with no sense of moral values. And what amazes me about Muslims is that they’re ready to strap a bomb to themselves and blow up a market, yet they whine and cry when some airline passengers report them for suspicious behavior. We all know the answer - they are all trying to destroy this country from within. These cries of being “offended” are smoke-screens to change this country through the courts, and we have NO leadership that will stick up for the rest of us. So while there are vast numbers of us who truly have good values, a sense of right and wrong, and love this country, the ACLU, CAIR, and various Latino rights groups are changing the Constitution via the courts, and NO ONE IN WASHINGTON HAS THE BALLS TO STAND UP TO THEM!!! I’m so disgusted by it I can’t even see straight.

In closing, I would like to say a few things that hopefully will offend some people -

1) Allah is not God. The Bible specifically states that if you deny the Son then you deny the Father. Since Muslims deny Jesus as Lord, it’s a false religion.

2) The Holocaust actually happened. Yes, a madman decided that hundred of thousands of Jews were scum and decided to exterminate them. And there’s a madman in Iran who doesn’t think it happened and this same madman should be taken out.

3) The Crusades started because Muslims were killing Christians who were making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Yes, it’s true.

4) If you snuck into this country then leave…I don’t want you here and many other people feel the same way. If you had a kid here, the kid can stay but you need to go. Oh wait, the family is being broken up? Then maybe you should not have broken the law coming into this country ILLEGALLY. Don’t come crying to me, you broke the law.

5) There is no such thing as a seperation of church and state according to the Constitution. Please tell me where this is specifically stated. Yes, Congress can’t make any religion the official religion, but if a school wants to teach the Bible, they have every right to do so, get over it.

6) Americans have EVERY RIGHT to be suspicious of Muslims praying while on an airplane. I mean we did have that little incident on 9/11/2001 where Muslims prayed and then decided to take over some planes and kill over 3,000 people.

These are just a few items I felt the need to share. And one more thing to think about over Easter weekend is this - why is it that anything involving Christianity seems to offend people? I truly think it’s because Christianity is the one religion (and I hate to use that term because Christianity is really a faith, not a man-made doctrine) where at some point you have to admit that you are wrong…and the liberal mentality can NEVER do that because everyone has to feel good about themselves even if the life they are leading is perverse, immoral, or destructive.