The lastest news is the madman in Iran is enriching uranium, our “leaders” in Washington are still squabbling over funding that the troops need, illegal immigrants are still killing people while driving drunk (the latest being the man who directed the classic movie “A Christmas Story”), and EVERY friggin news show I watch or listen to is doing NOTHING but talking about this crap with Don Imus calling some basketball players “nappy headed ho’s”. SO WHAT! I swear, the media is treating this like no one has ever been called a name before. Remember hearing the saying as a kid about sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you? Gee, what was that, 1st grade??? When I was a fat kid and was called names, did I run and tell the teacher? Did I act like my life was ruined? No, I didn’t. You know what I did? I learned a LONG time ago that it doesn’t matter one bit what someone else thinks of me. That was something my dad would constantly tell me growing up…don’t worry about someone who says something bad about you because someone always will. The only opinion anyone has that you have to worry about is your own. For example, when I was involved in the Senate race last year I was called all sorts of names in blogs and newspapers. I read that I was a racist, a bigot, a religious zealot, and my personal favorite, a murdercon. Did I run around screaming how offended I was and demand apologies? No, I’m an adult, and I would honestly laugh and call my buddies to tell them the new name I had been called. It provided a lot of laughs honestly. Yet Don Imus says what he says and the world is coming to an end. WHO CARES!?!
I swear, this is a great example of why this country is so screwed up. We have “leaders” who are SO concerned that the rest of the world doesn’t call us a bad name that we walk on eggshells when dealing with people who would LOVE to saw our heads off. While we are still in the middle of a war that won’t end anytime soon, we have media morons spending every waking moment on Imusgate. Now, my favorite moment of this whole thing has to have been last night when I saw Jesse Jackson on Glenn Beck’s TV show. He said that no one has the right to talk about people that way. Oh really? When did this happen? I’ve got every friggin right I want to say whatever I want about anyone. It doesn’t mean it’s appropriate, or that I should be surprised if there are any ramifications, but I can say anything about anyone. Like it or not, I DO have that right.
I was really hoping that after the Anna Nicole Smith fiasco fizzled, we could actually hear about what was going on around us that TRULY affected us…oh how wrong I was. Wait, what’s this? I better go, the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby was announced today so I’m sure it’s on every friggin news outlet and this is some real news.
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