As the details of the worst shooting spree in America are still being sorted out, one politician has taken this opportunity to show what a true jackass he is. I hated to think it, but I knew when this happened that someone running for president would say something about it and tie it into their campaign. Personally I thought it would be John Edwards considering he’s about as sharp as a bag of wet liver (thanks Foghorn Leghorn), but it wasn’t. It was the candidate everyone is praising as a superstar, as the man who can work with both parties, a man who can rise above “politics” and really get something done. It was none other than the idiot Barack Obama. In a speech he gave last night (that you can check out at Obama uses this tragedy as an opportunity to talk about violence in America…you know…to show his “vision” for the country. So what did he reference in this speech that he tied to the massacre at Virginia Tech? Such “violent” things as Don Imus’ remark about “nappy headed ho’s” and the violence of jobs being outsourced overseas. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS CRAP?!?!
Now I NEVER thought Obama had any mental capacity whatsoever to serve as a “leader”, but to think this idiot is being heralded as the second coming scares me to death. For him to downplay this event as he did in a speech all for political gain is FAR worse than ANYTHING Don Imus said last week. Comparing someone losing a job or being called a name to a college student who was gunned down by a madman shows that this guy will do and say anything without ANY conscience whatsoever to be elected…as if we didn’t already know. Obama should be ashamed of himself…but I’m sure his team is already working on damage control for this and the liberal sheep will buy into it.
In fact, I can already tell you what he’ll say. He’ll backtrack a little bit and say that what he was trying to do was paint a broad picture of how America is so divided that we have created a culture where people focus on differences…and because of this you get groups of people who don’t feel that the American Dream can be theirs and blah blah I have no point except to stay vague blah blah blah. Barack, you are a complete pile of scum (I’m being nice) and I hope that your self-serving speech will be the end of your time in politics. You are an embarrassment to this country.
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