Thursday, June 21, 2007

Let's Save Some Time

I read today that the horrible torture chamber known as the prison at Guantanamo Bay may be closed (the article is here - The plan calls for the movement of the “alleged terrorists” to places on U.S. soil which of course opens the floodgates for the ACLU and other communist lawyers to jump in to defend them. Well I have an idea on how our government can save a lot of time and money if they do plan on closing this prison.

I was thinking about last night when I was listening to Michael Savage. A caller was on who flew bombing runs over Germany in World War II. He talked about how they didn’t do precision bombing at all. They knew that military and civilian structures were mixed together, and the only way to eliminate the military targets was to level the areas. And then the guy said that this war now makes no sense…why should we bother taking prisoners…just shoot them on sight. Oh I’m sorry, I know that sounded insensitive. Also, I was listening to Savage’s show earlier this week and someone was filling in for him. I didn’t catch his name, but he said exactly what needs to be said about this war. It is such common sense yet is never addressed this way by the media and our government. He said that the “war in Iraq” is not another war we are in, it is THE major battlefield of the war we are in, much like Bastogne or Normandy was in WWII. I said this numerous times in my Senate campaign, and I know a lot of people feel the same way. He also said this isn’t a way against terrorism, it’s a jihad. It’s us against them…Muslims versus the rest of us. I was so happy to hear that on the radio, because that’s EXACTLY what it is. Our enemy calls it a jihad, so why can’t we? Oh, we have to be sensitive and not offend people who want to saw our heads off…where are my manners? The god they believe in is not the God I believe in. Their god wants that religion spread through violence and death where THE God wants us to share His word, and if someone doesn’t receive it, shake the dust off your feet and walk away. It’s a modern day crusade where “infidels” are having to defend themselves against a religion that spreads its message through the sword. Why this country’s “leaders” are too afraid to call this for what it is baffles me. The only reason I can come up with is that we have a government made up of cowards.

Anyway, back to Gitmo. I have a plan if the government does plan on closing it down that will save taxpayers a lot of money by eliminating lawyers, courts, all of it. We can find out what these guys know very easily - wrap them in bacon and have a syringe filled with pig’s blood…then threaten to inject them with the blood if they don’t confess or give the information we need. If we did that, those guys would rat out anyone if they truly knew anything. This whole process would take a couple of minutes and we could find out who was truly guilty and who isn’t.

I am so sick of our government bending over backwards to make sure we don’t offend “alleged terrorists” that are more than willing to kill me, my family, and destroy this country. But then again, this is the same government that ordered feeding tubes to be put into the “alleged terrorists” who went on hunger strikes yet just sat back while Terri Schiavo had hers removed. Yeah, makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

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