So some news sources are saying that Al-Qaeda are alive and well and here in America ready to launch some major attacks. But we can all sleep well because President Bush and Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff are downplaying these reports. I feel much better now. After all, this is the same Homeland Security Director who chastised the Senate for not passing the amnesty bill and the same President who would rather leave our borders WIDE open just so we can have better trade relations with Mexico. Plus, it’s not like any members of The Minutemen have ever come across OTM’s (other than Mexican…a term used by The Minutemen) when they’ve patrolled our borders. Oh no, that’s NEVER happened. We weren’t hit on 9/11 by people who were here illegally with expired visas, right? So what if some cockroach from the middle east sets off a bomb in a major city…that’s better than actually enforcing the law and possibly offending someone.
This report about Al-Qaeda gaining strength here should be nothing new to those of us with a bit of common sense. All it takes is a few of these terrorists to do MAJOR damage…and yet our borders are still wide open. I really hate to say this, but I don’t think this country will truly wake up and take back this country until we get hit again. I think the founding fathers set up a great system of government, however I have no faith in the vast majority of the people who comprise our government. And now the members of Congress approved a bill to start withdrawing from Iraq.
This is where we are - we are in a war with people worse than Nazi Germany, we have borders that are wide open our government refuses to secure, and a Congress that has no concept of the war we are in. I hate to sound like some militant nutjob…but I’ve been telling all my friends to buy a gun because sometime very soon it’s all going to hit the fan. The majority of the people in our government have failed in every aspect of what they are supposed to do to keep this country safe because they are more concerned with keeping their jobs, their contacts, and the monetary support of various special interest groups. And like I’ve asked before, what do we do? The “system” is set up to keep us regular Joe’s with common sense out of office. What do we do? All I can do is pray…I pray every day for this country and our soldiers who are doing an amazing job considering how our own government keeps one hand tied behind their backs.
Each day I think more and more that this government no longer serves the will of the people, and we are just basically told “too bad”. This is where we are…and it pisses me off.
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