Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Dangers of Islam

Hey everyone, I took a little bit of a hiatus from politics for a little bit because it was honestly getting me too ticked off. I found myself reading what was going on and getting so frustrated about it, I knew if I wrote anything it might be seen as some madman on a rant. Well, events in this world are just too important NOT to say something about, especially if it can shed some light on truth.

I watched one of the most informative and disturbing movies this weekend. It's a documentary called "Islam - What the West Needs To Know". If you really want to be informed about the struggle we are involved in right now, I would suggest checking it out. Now it's pretty dry as far as documentaries go...lots of clips of the same 4 or 5 guys talking and not tons of footage from mosques or protests, but the footage that was shown was pretty scary. For example, they played a video from some protest or rally or whatever it was in England from about a year ago, and there were a bunch of Muslims chanting "jihad", and then some imam (or whatever they are) got on a microphone and spoke about the need for Islam to rule the world with that Sharia law. They also showed a clip from some middle eastern TV show where viewers could call in, and one of the calls was from a 12 year old that couldn't wait to blow himself up and become a martyr for allah. The imam who responded said how proud he was of the child and all sorts of sick stuff. One of the guys featured in the movie was a former PLO terrorist that became a Christian. He spoke in great detail about the Muslim faith and how evil and violent it really is. He confirmed something I had thought for a while, and that was there are two kinds of Muslims - one is a casual Muslim that may attend a mosque every so often but doesn't really follow the faith, much like someone who says they believe in God yet doesn't live what The Bible states...the other is the true Muslim that knows that the faith is to be spread by killing people until Islam controls the world. Now, those true Muslims may appear to be peaceful and law-abiding here in America or Europe or England or wherever...but the teachings they follow tell them to act that way so no one knows what they're up to. For example, he was talking about living in Chicago and being at work when CNN was showing video from the Gulf War in 1991. People he worked with were concerned about the American soldiers and he chimed right in with them sounding like a patriot, but he said that in his head he was cheering the death of every they were taught to do. Keep up appearances to fly under the radar. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Another thing he discussed in detail was the use of blame and guilt to further their cause of domination. Now this should honestly be pretty obvious, but it amazes me how many people don't realize this. For example, there's the Muslim ACLU called CAIR, the Council on American Islamic we really need it but whatever. If anyone in the media like a radio host or newspaper or whoever says ANYTHING bad about Muslims then CAIR comes out screaming and pointing fingers claiming that person is a bigot or intolerant or a hate-monger. A lot of people get so scared about their careers being put in jeopardy that they keep their mouths closed when CAIR threatens them. Thankfully some people have balls enough to say what needs to be said. CAIR has PROVEN terrorist funding ties, yet are treated like some mythological branch of our those commie bastards in the ACLU.

Islam is spread through conquest...that's the history of it. I know, you might be wondering about The Crusades where evil European Christians killed people in the name of God, right? Well, that's not exactly how it happened. The Crusades started because Muslims were slaughtering Christians making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, so an army was dispatched to protect them. Oh I know, a wee bit different from what we learned in the public school system. There weren't just a bunch of innocent non-Christians living their lives peacefully only to be victims of barbarian was barbarian Muslims who were trying to kill those who didn't adhere to Islam. Yes, parts of the Crusades had rogue armies pillaging and so forth...and sadly that happens in just about any war...but overall the Crusades were fought to fight off Muslim occupation.

Do you know what the one common thing that all cults and false religions have in common? The ONE thing they all have in common is when ONE MAN claims to have received divine revelation from God. For example, look at Jim Jones. Just a quick background, he's the one who started the cult that resulted in the death of over 900 people when they drank poisoned kool-aid. He claimed God gave him specific instructions that differed from the Bible, and that only he really knew the truth. It's this way with any cult or false religion. Now look at Islam. How did it start? One man, Mohammed, claimed to have been given all these words from God. The Bible was written by many men...yet Islam all comes from one man. Early writings of the Koran are considered the "peaceful" part of the religion. This was at a time when Mohammed was living in Mecca and didn't wield much basically he wrote a message about people getting along and so forth. It was once he gained a following and moved to Medina that the writings became more violent and about control and conquest. So how was this difference in the writings justified? the Koran states:

"Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We {Allah} abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?"

So there you go...this god will just change his mind on a whim and tell you to do something different from what was stated previously. So earlier in the Koran where it tells you that you shouldn't lie is made ok later if the lie is told to cover your intentions in jihad. The ones who claim this religion is "peaceful" are more than happy to quote early writings, yet somehow dismiss publicly the rest of it.

Now I know that some look at Christianity as some evil, controlling, and judgmental religion. My opinion on that is that some will judge the Christian faith on the actions of the minority because the media LOVES to see some hate-monger evil Christian do something wrong. Yes, I'm all for people being called out when they screw up, but as a Christian it should never be done for selfish gain or to make myself feel should only be done to actually try and help the other person. It's like when the Apostle Paul called out Peter for incorrect teachings...Paul didn't do it to show that he knew more or was more righteous, he did it because he wanted to help Peter and make sure that others were learning correctly. I hear sometimes about my faith being crammed down someone's throat...not an accusation of me...but as a general statement of Christians who try to explain to others about Jesus. I'm sure there are times someone beats them over the head to the point of pissing them off...however that's not what The Bible says to do when a believer is sharing their faith.

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town." - Matthew 10:14

Those are the instructions of Jesus. Basically don't beat someone over the head with it...if they want to know more then awesome...if not then it's not your fault and move on. Compare this with how the Koran teaches "peaceful" Muslims to share their religion...

"Then when the Sacred Months (the 1st, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun {unbelievers} wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat {the Islamic ritual prayers}), and give Zakat {alms}, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." - 9:5

There you go. The "peaceful" religion tells it's followers to kill those who don't believe in Islam. The only way to avoid that is to become a believer. So, my evil and judgmental faith says to shake the dust off your feet and move on, yet this religion of peace that's been hijacked by radicals tells it's followers to kill unbelievers if they won't convert. There was a part in the documentary I watched where the former terrorist who became a Christian asked "What part of the word 'kill' do people not understand?"

I truly urge everyone to watch this documentary to see the real danger we all face. It basically reinforced what I already thought. Those who think we (America) have caused terrorism, or that if we just leave Iraq they will leave us alone are EXTREMELY naive. Their behavior has gone on for centuries...spread Islam through conquest. Until this country wakes up and the supposed "leaders" truly address what we are fighting against...I honestly fear that we are in a lot of trouble. No one in Washington wants to get rid of the word "extremist" when talking about the war we are in. We are seeing the true face of Islam...research it for yourself. Look at how the middle east reacted when cartoons of Mohammed were published, listen to the chants of "god is good" on the terrorist videos while they're sawing someone's head off, and then also look at how CAIR comes to the defense of ANY Muslim who is under investigation here in America for possible terrorist activities. Those of you who think that we can reach out and just get along with them would be the first ones showing up on an internet video headless after meeting with them if you went to the middle east. Yeah, it's true, and if you don't believe me then go right ahead and travel overseas to reach out to this "peaceful" religion. Also, if you've tried to contact me via the email, someone really did a number on it and I get about 2,000 emails of spam a day. I entered a different email on my profile here, so if you leave me a comment then I will definitely get it without it being lost in the middle of ads for increased performance in bed or hot investment tips.

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