Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"If I knew then what I know now..."

I saw a clip on a news show tonight starring the one and only Hillary Clinton speaking about the war in Iraq. First, it annoys me to no end when it’s called “The War in Iraq”. IT’S A WAR AGAINST THESE MUSLIMS THAT WANT TO KILL US!!! It just so happens that Iraq is the major battlefield. To think that this is a seperate war is naive. The Battle of the Bulge wasn’t called “The War in Bastogne”…it was all part of WWII. But enough on that.

Last year when I was running for the U.S. Senate, one thing about Harold Ford bothered me more than just about anything else. When he appeared on “Imus In The Morning” he was asked if he would have voted for the war knowing what he knows now. His answer was “no”. To me, that told me all I needed to know about him because it showed he clearly lacked vision and had NO guts to stand by a tough decision, he only wanted to appeal to his “audience”. Well Clinton has now stated the same thing in her quest to be the president. She almost said it verbatim, like it’s some liberal talking point…oh wait…it probably is if you’re running for office. She was asked about her vote and started with the “If I knew then what I know now….” and then of course had to add how Bush misled and blah blah blah. First, I think anyone with a bit of common sense realizes she’s lying like crazy, just as Ford did. At the time they were all for it, then the going gets tough, elections are going on, and they say whatever they need to so they can cover their tracks because they have no backbone and only care about getting elected. When I hear ANY politician say something like this and how Bush misled, I think a couple of things about that person -

1) They’re liars with no conscience who only care about winning elections

2) If Bush is supposedly so stupid, and they were misled by him, then they’re apparently not too bright themselves

If I had voted to send troops into battle and then later thought it was wrong, I couldn’t show my face in public. Knowing that the blood of those dead soldiers was on my hands would shame me to no end, and I sure as hell wouldn’t be out there like “Oh I was misled, I would vote different now, I want to be elected” and blah blah blah. I tried like crazy to get on one of the debates during the Senate race so I could call Ford out on this bs. Sadly it never happened.

I blame the cowardice of politicians on a lot of these soldiers’ deaths. Why? It’s like I said on Steve Hilton’s radio show last fall that on 9/12 we should have had “Operation Glass Parking Lot” and levelled the middle east. If we had done that, we wouldn’t be in the situation we are and I seriously doubt any other country would stick their middle finger out at us like North Korea. That’s how Patton or Churchill would have handled it…of course if we had leaders like that over the years, 9/11 probably would never have happened, and if Washington wasn’t run by a bunch of cowards, the American military would have truly been unleashed and all this would have been over by now.

Anyone who believes what Hillary said is an idiot, and I pray someone has a chance to call her out on this crap. It disgusts me to hear these politicians be such flakes when it comes to the lives of our soldiers.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blog issues

I signed in tonight to update, and was told I needed to upgrade to some new form of blogspot and was assured that my old posts wouldn't be deleted. Well, they were. But since I also write over at bluecollarrepublican.com, I was able to repost many of them. That's why several will have the same date. Just an FYI.

Hollywood Hypocrites

I had The Oscars on tonight while I was punching away at my heavy bag, and once again Hollywood shows their true colors. Melissa Ethridge was playing a song from Al Bore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, and behind her on a giant screen were all sorts of helpful tips as to how we can save the environment. It was like those movies you see about the future where propaganda is constantly played on screens all over the city. While watching this, I couldn’t help but laugh. We are being given all these ways to save the environment and stop global warming from people who sat in idling limousines while waiting to be dropped off on the red carpet, and we all know how fuel efficient limousines are. And I’m sure a lot of these same people flew to attend the awards, which of course is not exactly conserving fuel. But what else should we expect from these elitists?

Remember last year when George Clooney took it upon himself to proclaim how Hollywood has a history of taking on social causes? He stated how people were saying that Hollywood was out of touch, and then cited examples to show how they weren’t. These examples included such items as how Hollywood was at the front of the civil rights movement. How? Is that because the first “talkie” starred Al Jolsen wearing blackface? Or was it all those movies where black men worked in train cars and black women all dressed like Aunt Jemima? How about Clooney stating Hollywood was at the forefront of AIDS awareness…is that because Rock Hudson was the first person with name recognition to die from AIDS? I guess wearing a little ribbon really means you’re standing up for a cause.

That’s why Elvis was the king. At a press conference when he was talking about his Las Vegas shows, he was asked his opinion on the Vietnam War. Did he take the opportunity to say how much he hated the president or how illegal and unjust it was? No. He said , “Ma’am I’m just an entertainer and my opinion on that really doesn’t matter”. Why can’t these Hollywood hypocrites act the same way? Oh wait, they make a living acting like they’re someone else so their opinions really have some merit.

Fine, Just Bring the Troops Home

I saw today on brietbart.com an article titled “Senate Dems Move to Limit Iraq Mission”. Reading this article is beyond infuriating. Here’s some of it -

“Determined to challenge President Bush, Senate Democrats are drafting legislation to limit the mission of U.S. troops in Iraq, effectively revoking the broad authority Congress granted in 2002, officials said Thursday. ”

Our military has already been handcuffed enough as it is. If this goes through then just go ahead and bring the troops home and let the terrorists take over in Iraq. It sickens me every single time I hear about another U.S. soldier dying over there because there is no need for it, and something like this will cost MORE American lives. In saying that, I don’t mean they shouldn’t be there…what I mean is that if these spineless wimps in Washington cared more about this country then they do their careers, our military could have unleashed everything they are capable of and foot soldiers would have just been needed for mop-up. General George Patton once said that “no good decision ever came from a swivel chair”, and I could NOT agree more. So is this what they mean by “supporting the troops”? Yeah, handcuff the soldiers even more and claim they somehow support them…unreal. But I’m sure you wimps, excuse me, liberals, will somehow justify this.

We have no leadership in Washington, and we (those of us who truly understand right and wrong) don’t seem to have representation. What I’d like to hear is what fearless Bob Corker will have to say about all this, Probably whatever is distributed on the Republican daily memo of talking points. We are so soft. Back in World War II, just about everyone had to sacrifice. On the home front gas, sugar, nylon, etc., were basically rationed. We have yet to be asked to give up one damn thing, yet people feel they have a right to complain about our involvement and have their stupid little protests. The people who protest and act like these scumbags in Washington think they are really showing some courage, when in reality they are a bunch of cowards. The people with courage are the soldiers and their families who fight for what they believe. And on a much smaller scale, other people with courage are those of us who will call out these cowards and expose them for aiding the enemy, because that’s what they are doing. You have to pick a side…you’re either for us or against us…you can’t have it both ways. Oh I know that sounds so horrible looking at things so black and white, but that’s reality…something you liberal scum are too scared to do.

Yep, this country is being run by a bunch of selfish jerks who care more about their careers than the lives of Americans. Go ahead and try to dispute me…I’ll just tell you that you’re full of crap. You liberal scum need to learn that sometimes things in life are black and white, and that sometimes the blood of Americans is on your hands. So just bring them home, let terrorism take a strong foothold in Iraq, and be sure to let the families of the fallen soldiers know that their losses were for nothing…go right ahead.

The Courts Got SOMETHING Right!

According to an AP story today, “Guantanamo Bay detainees may not challenge their detention in U.S. courts, a federal appeals court said Tuesday”. Well it’s about friggin’ time someone had the guts to actually rule this way and do what’s right. What absolutely boggles my mind is the fact this ever WENT to court to begin with. Now the article did say this will be appealed to the Supreme Court…like that’s a big surprise…and hopefully they’ll rule the same.

How did we get to this point? How do so-called Americans want to represent these savages in our courts? THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD! Have these terrorist-lovers heard about the types of people that are being held there? Did they know these are basically the same as POW’s in World War II? This group of detainees is made up of cockroaches who were trying to kill American soldiers and were captured. NO civilian should be given access to see them, especially Americans. Any lawyer who wants to represent these savages should be tried for treason. And don’t you love how when people scream about these barbarians’ rights they always want to use the term “Geneva Convention”? Have you ever read the Geneva Convention? I have, and I doubt those who scream about us adhering to it ever have. There are such provisions as providing a commissary where toiletries and tobacco can be purchased, and also a provision to pay the prisoners and put that money into an account that awaits them upon their release. The whole thing is a joke and NO country has ever adhered to it.

Our military does treat prisoners better than any other, like it or not. And if you want to yell about the pictures from Abu Grahib, give me a break. I heard many stories about the types of people that were being held there, and for them to have panties on their head was pretty tame compared to what they deserved. What I find amazing is the idiots who would side with Jane Fonda forget that she knows EXACTLY what happened in the POW camps in Vietnam where Americans were held, yet she didn’t care. They side with a woman who basically ignored the LEGITIMATE torture that happened to American soldiers yet had no pity.

There’s a part of me that is like “if these tree-huggers want something to whine about when it comes to treatment of these detainees then let’s shoot them in the leg with a bullet soaked in pig’s blood” since that will ruin any chance of meeting the 72 virgins…at least then these sympathizers and traitors will have some real substance to whine about. LEt me put it this way - if I got my hands on someone that was trying to kill my family and showed no remorse, they would wish they were dead. I applaud the restraint our soldiers show when I don’t think I could.

Hopefully our courts will quit wasting time and money dealing with the enemy. This is a WAR!!! It’s not some guy who robbed a store…these are people who want to wipe out our complete existence. Let them rot for all I care. And if someone gives me that line about “well what happens when you get detained with no access to the courts?” I would say that I have never called a known terrorist, I don’t visit terrorist websites, I don’t email terrorists, and I WASN’T SHOOTING AT AMERICAN SOLDIERS!!!! Heck, I bet John Walker Lindh will get out of jail and write some best-seller called “Why I Fought Capitalism” and will do a HUGE book tour with appearances on Oprah. The scumbag should be shot or hung.

Hopefully this appeal will hurry up and go to the Supreme Court and get shot down…then maybe these terrorist-lovers will quit crying about access to our courts.

If You Don't Support the War, Then You Don't Support the Troops

Don’t you just love how people’s selfish ambitions can cost lives? We have a bunch of people in Washington who value their own careers over the life of someone. Yes, that’s exactly what it is…a bunch of power-hungry pricks who would rather see U.S. soldiers die just so they can hold “power” in office. The same people who gave the president authority to go to war are now saying “oh wait…ummm…I need to get re-elected” and they side with some bs resolution saying they support the troops but not the war. Allow me to paraphrase…there are 246 traitors in Washington who deserve hangings or the firing squad for being traitors. You voted for this…STAND BY YOUR VOTE!!!! The fact these people want to act like “oh I support the troops but not the war” is complete bs. To support the troops means you support WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!! I’m sick of these politicians wanting it both ways just to get votes.

Now seeing how this is a “non-binding” resolution…why even waste the time??? After all…the borders are still WIDE open so there is real work to be done. But you know what? Go aead and cut the funding…let people know you hope the terrorists win. You bitch and moan about our troops not having what they need…which includes more troops…so go ahead and vote against sending more…let people know what traitors you all are. You disgust me. The blood of these soldiers is on your hands. You vote it’s ok to send them off to war yet want to play politics when they get there. Hope you sleep well tonight scumbags!

Anyone Got a Light?

I’m sure you have heard by now that one of the only sane people in Washington had a cop visit his office because he was smoking. Yes, Tom Tancredo had a visit from the police when an assistant of the Congressman who has an office next to him called the police because of the smoke. Who is the Congressman? None other than Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress. Honestly, liberals are the biggest bunch of babies. They avoid any sort of confrontation, usually by threatening a lawsuit. They can’t truly stand up for anything. Oh sure, they may do war protests, but what guts does that really take? Wow, you made a cute little sign about Bush being Hitler and I’m supposed to be amazed by your courage. Anyway, Ellison’s aid called the police because this person had ZERO guts to actually approach Tom Tancredo and let him know the smoke might be bothering him. What a coward.

Here in Tennessee, there is talk of a cigarette tax increase of forty cents a pack. This would supposedly go towards education. Now, at the same time there is talk of banning smoking in restaurants and bars as well. So let me see if I understand this, this state wants to increase taxes on cigarettes yet wants to ban public smoking which I would think would might urge people to quit or cut back, therefore the tax increase wouldn’t do much good because not as many cigarettes will be bought. The last time we had a big tax increase on cigarettes here in this state was to help fund Tenncare. The rationale was that smokers cost taxpayers and policy holders more money because they will use more money of insurance companies due to their unhealthy habit. When this went through, I wondered when the increase tax on Twinkies was going to go into effect, yet somehow it never did. When people stuff their faces with Twinkies, aren’t they in a position to need a lot of medical care? What about people who don’t exercise? What about people who live off fast food? Where is the increase in taxes for them because of their unhealthy lifestyle? How about morbidly obese people, why aren’t they paying more in taxes seeing how they are such a drain on healthcare? Oh I forgot, there are “eating disorders”…smokers just have a dirty habit.

I just returned from a business trip to San Diego. In California, you basically can’t smoke anywhere. My hotel was non-smoking, and carried a $500 fine if I did. But what really cracked me up was the restaurant across the parking lot from where I was staying. I went inside to the bar and ordered a drink. I was told I could take it out to the patio if I wanted to smoke. So I go outside to have a drink and smoke. While I’m sitting there, this guy comes stumbling out and goes to his car. This guy got into his car and actually drove off in the state he was in. I can’t remember the last time I read about someone smoking a cigarette killing a family of four on the highway…please refresh my memory if you’re aware of such a tragedy.

It amazes me that the two most villified industries by our government are also the two industries our government profits the most off of - tobacco and oil. Seems just a wee bit hypocritical to me.

So the next time you want to get your panties in a wad and complain about someone smoking in another room or twenty yards away from you, think about how many times you’ve recently eaten at McDonald’s, or had fried foods, or how little you exercise, and once you realize just how unhealthy your own life might be, don’t be so quick to villify. And if it really does bother you, you might be surprised how many smokers will be sympathetic and will put it out. Don’t be some cry-baby liberal and call the cops.

Global Warming - I Wish!

As I sit here typing this, it’s about 25 degrees outside and the high in middle Tennessee hasn’t got far above freezing in several days. It’s snowed twice in the last week as well. TV news shows this record cold wave all over America where some cities have wind chill temps of 40 below zero. Schools in cities that never close due to snow are closing because of the record cold temperatures. Even Hawaii is experiencing low temperatures that state isn’t used to. Yet Al Gore gets nominated for a Nobel Prize for bringing awareness to global warming? Well, the Nobel Peace Prize should have been renamed to the Nobel “I’m a spineless wimp” Prize once Jimmy Carter won it.

Scientists once claimed the earth was flat. Scientists once claimed the sun revolved around the earth. Scientists one stated the earth revolved around the moon. Scientists put stock in the “theory” of evolution when there has NEVER been any concrete evidence. And scientists claimed back in the 1970’s we were headed towards another ice age. The media and other morons act like a scientist could NEVER be wrong when they really don’t have that great of a track record in their theories when it comes to this planet. And now I’m supposed to think that some scientists aren’t wrong when they scream about global warming? Give me a break. If a meteorologist can’t get the weather forecast right 3 days from now, why should I EVER put any stock in what someone says the weather will be like in 100 years?

Now I will say that yes, some climate change might be taking place, but considering weather records have only been kept for about 160 years, there isn’t that much to base anything on. We have warming trends, we have cooling trends. Is it caused by people? WE DON’T KNOW!!! And here’s what really gets me about all this, dopes like Al Gore like to blame America and the way we live, yet India and China are FAR worse polluters than we could hope to be. So why aren’t these tree-huggers attacking those countries? Because America has a wonderful thing called “freedom”. I would love to see some of these tree-huggers go to China and tell them how evil they are polluting the world. I swear, people like Al Gore are put on some kind of pedestal for saying how bad America is with pollution and how we are to blame, yet I don’t see him travelling to China to tell them how bad they are when it comes to pollution. Wow, what guts…way to take a stand Al!!!

Is there some kind of climate change taking place? Maybe. Do I think it’s all because of people? Heck no. Could it be a natural weather cycle? Could be. In 20 years, will scientists be screaming about another ice age? It’s possible. Is Al Gore a moron? Without a doubt, and that’s why I can’t put any stock in anything he says.

If global warming has been taking place all these years, then why do I have to dress for an Arctic expedition to take my two dogs outside so they can take care of business before I go to bed? I’d love to have on a t-shirt and shorts in early February, but I also like to deal with something I call “reality”. And if you ask a tree-hugger why it’s so cold when they cry about global warming, they will tell you it’s because of “shifting weather patterns” that are caused by…yep…global warming.

And remember, all these groups that receive federal funding to “research” global warming would have all that money dry up if it was determined to be just natural weather cycles.

Yes, I think we should do everything we can to cut down on pollution, but I also have faith in God, and I know that this planet will be the home of His creations until He decides to end it.

My Tax Dollars Hard At Work

Supposedly in President Bush’s speech tomorrow night he’s going to talk about a plan to make health insurance more affordable. According to a story from Reuters, “Bush is proposing to make health insurance premiums taxable income, with people who get employer-provided plans that cost more than $15,000 a year facing a tax hike if they do not get cheaper insurance, the White House said.” Excuse me? Let me get this straight…because I decided to actually apply myself, take student loans to finish college, and work for what I have, I might face a tax hike to pay for someone else’s health insurance??? It’s not MY fault someone can’t afford it, so why in the heck would I be penalized? If I want to help someone out I will, but do NOT force me to do it.

When I was 19 I worked at Burger King. Guess what, they had a health insurance plan for people who worked more than 30 hours a week. And because I was out of school at the time, I no longer qualified to fall under my parents’ plan so I signed up for it. My next job at a record store offered a similar plan and I signed up for that one as well. My point is, if you are employed then you probably have access to some kind of health insurance. The only way I can see someone doesn’t have health insurance from an employer is if two conditions exist - 1) You are self-employed and are probably smart enough to have some kind of insurance, or 2) Have no job.

If you fall under reason number one and don’t have insurance, then you might want to take on a job that offers it if you have a family. If you fall under reason number two then get off your butt and go get a job. I didn’t borrow all the money I did and keep trying to improve myself so I can pay for some lazy bum’s health insurance. What…do I sound cold-blooded? Too bad because it’s exactly how I feel. If I choose to give I will, but I DO NOT want the government penalizing me because I actually tried to improve my life. I can’t believe that this President is actually considering this. Well, then again I guess I can considering illegals get free healthcare which is one of the TOP contributing factors to rising costs. That and the ridiculous lawsuits…which John Edwards got rich off of.

I just love getting up every day, going to work, paying my bills on time, and then being penalized because I actually try my best to play by the rules. I’ve got a great idea on how to make health insurance more affordable - just renounce your citizenship. That way every time you even get a cold just go to a nearby ER and get free treatment that the rest of us will have to pay for.

I hope this story is wrong and Bush won’t talk about this. If he does, then he will once again lose any respect I had…and there isn’t much left.

When is Enough Enough?

Two border patrol agents have now been sent to prison for shooting a drug smuggler who crossed the border. The criminal was granted immunity for his testimony against the agents, and our tax dollars went to treat him at an American hospital. And I also see today that Mexican President Felipe Calderon is expressing outrage over the shooting death of an illegal immigrant. This agent thought his life was in jeopardy as he fought with the law-breaker, then shot and killed him. Now, this may sound cold, but I can’t feel much pity. I know that sounds horrible, but it reminds me of the case here in Nashville about a year ago where someone who was wired on drugs was shot with a tazer gun and died. People were outraged, but my take on it was that the drugged-up individual would never have been in that position had he not been breaking the law. Did he deserve to die? No, but if that person hadn’t been breaking the law in the first place, the event would never have happened. It’s the same thing with this illegal immigrant…if he hadn’t been breaking the law, then none of this would have ever happened. If you decide to break the law and something horrible happens, don’t come crying to me about it because YOU put yourself in that position. This agent has now been placed on leave pending an investigation. Don’t you love it when someone does their job and then is chastised for trying to enforce the law?

So the President of Mexico is outraged. What I would like to know is where is the outrage from OUR government? Who has the guts to tell that President of Mexico to shut up? Who has the guts to tell the President of Mexico that it’s AGAINST THE LAW to run across the border and sneak into this country? We have a government that REFUSES to secure our borders and will always undermine the efforts of those whose job it is to try and secure it.

Oh wait, it’s nothing but people wanting to come here for a better way of life. Yeah, whatever. Watch the documentary “Border War” and then come talk to me. Watch an agent’s life put in jeopardy as an illegal smuggler rams his truck trying to get away. Listen to the story of a woman whose father ran one of the first safe-houses in California for illegals speak about being molested constantly as a little girl by these hard-working people looking for a better life.

So what can we do? Our government apparently doesn’t care. Yes, there are very few in Washington that do care, but others are too concerned with raising the minimum wage and making sure people get free digital TV converters. Tony Snow even said that the government has not been enforcing the law….no….really?

Until we are no longer held hostage by this two party system, we will all continue to be expected to be good little serfs and till the land while The House of Lords tells us what’s best for us.