Monday, September 24, 2007

Traitors In Our Midst Once Again

News broke today about a classified (which is not so classified anymore) Army operation where terrorists were baited, and snipers would take them out. Basically the Army would “bait” terrorists to come pick up items such as detonation cords (or other items terrorists would use to build bombs) and then the snipers would take them out. Now it’s not just news that this operation was taking place which of course outrages the America-haters in our government, but the story tells of how three snipers are now being charged with murder. The Washington Post felt the need to explain all about this “classified” operation, which of course satisfies their agenda to see America lose this war. Supposedly, these three snipers killed innocent civilians (innocent because they hadn’t fully built the IED’s they were trying to make I’m sure) and planted these materials on them to make the killings looked justified. Yes, I’m sure three snipers have nothing better to do than to shoot a few innocent civilians and then plant materials on them because they aren’t busy enough trying to take out the enemy.

So a baiting operation was taking place. The problem with this is…? Oh wait, we may not be playing fair. After all, Iraqi civilians can’t afford bomb-making materials, so who could blame them for picking up free materials they find…because I’m quite certain every Iraqi targeted in the operation was just some poor soul out for a walk that happened to run across parts to make a bomb and figured he’d pick them up to take home and let the kids play with them. Give me a friggin’ break. And now we have three soldiers who were trying to kill those who want to destroy us being charged with murder. Oh, and you can forget about this operation taking place anymore since it’s now public knowledge as to how it’s conducted.

And I wonder why the couple of Marines I was talking to last night who were wounded in Iraq expressed a ton of frustration about being there. They said each day they felt tentative about doing their jobs because they wondered what might happen if they shot someone because of times charges have been brought against soldiers for trying to win a war. Isn’t that just sad beyond belief? And that’s our government for you…send the soldiers to war and make them fight with one hand tied behind their back. What a bunch of gutless pieces of crap we have running this country.

And considering they let the modern-day Hitler come to this country and not do something about it, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

You can read more on the snipers here

Monday, September 17, 2007


Tonight was the only "real" debate thus far as Values Voter sponsored a GOP debate, and this was the first debate that none of the big 4 attended. The arrogance and cowardice of the big 4 is a HUGE slap in the face to those of us with true conservative values looking for strong leadership for this country. John McCain, Rudy Guliani, Mitt Romney, and Fred Thompson seemed to have better things to do than participate in a REAL debate where REAL issues are discussed and where the questions truly reflect what conservatives are looking for in a candidate. And after watching the debate, I can see why they were too scared to attend - the questions were not fluff and actually forced candidates to truly take a stand on what they believe and what their values are.

I never was a fan of Guliani, Romney, or McCain and felt indifferent about Fred Thompson…until tonight. Those who chose not to attend such an important debate because they were too scared to do so, and that’s exactly why they didn’t attend, have ZERO business asking for votes from conservatives. Tonight, the big 4 showed they are part of the problem, and not a solution by any means. The ones who took the stage tonight, even though I may not completely agree with all of them, at least had the guts to lay it all out there and tell us where they stand on REAL issues. This was the most informative debate I’ve watched, and I’m glad I did. If anything, it solidified the fact that I will not vote for one of the big 4. So what happens if in November of 2008 it comes down to something like Hillary Clinton versus Fred Thompson? I will not vote for either. Like Tom Tancredo stated tonight, I am so sick of trying to decide between the lesser of two evils.

Also, I was pretty happy to hear Alan Keyes tonight. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I really can’t believe how much his entering this race was ignored. Oh wait, I forgot, you can’t be black and be a conservative according to the media.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ummm...aren't we in a war against these people?

Here as a truly disturbing article talking about how our own justice department is co-sponsoring a convention being held by the Islamic Society of North America. You can read it here

Oh sure, people can tell me "But Bo, this is just an Islamic group...we aren't in a war against Muslims, just terrorists". Well if you read the article, this group is "an unindicted co-conspirator in an ongoing federal terrorist funding case". So why in the hell would our justice department have anything to do with this??? This question gets answered by Mrs. Lorenzo-Giguere when she states "This is an important outreach opportunity, and a chance to reach a community that is at once very much discriminated against, and very wary of the national government and its willingness to protect them".

Now I feel bad. I had no idea this community lived in such fear. Maybe it would be a good idea for all of us to show support and compassion for those who want to cut the heads off infidels, blow up innocent people all because they don't believe the crap that the followers of such a "peaceful religion" do, and strive for the day when Islam rules the entire world. I can't believe how insensitive my grandparents were when they didn't offer to reach out to the Japanese and Germans during World War II. Maybe it would have put a quicker end to the war. Now we have a chance to learn from history. We can reach out to those who want to kill and oppress us, and in doing so learn to co-exist peacefully. And to think our own government is doing this just fills me with warm fuzzies. If only I wasn't such an intolerant hate-monger!

Until our government will wake up and truly understand the nature and ways of our enemy, we are in big trouble. From everything I've been learning about jihad...our enemy has no problem waiting for generations before launching an attack. So just because we haven't been hit since 9/11 doesn't mean that we are just means our government will become more complacent. This news story makes me sick and once again shows we have no leaders with a clue as to what's going on.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Dangers of Islam

Hey everyone, I took a little bit of a hiatus from politics for a little bit because it was honestly getting me too ticked off. I found myself reading what was going on and getting so frustrated about it, I knew if I wrote anything it might be seen as some madman on a rant. Well, events in this world are just too important NOT to say something about, especially if it can shed some light on truth.

I watched one of the most informative and disturbing movies this weekend. It's a documentary called "Islam - What the West Needs To Know". If you really want to be informed about the struggle we are involved in right now, I would suggest checking it out. Now it's pretty dry as far as documentaries go...lots of clips of the same 4 or 5 guys talking and not tons of footage from mosques or protests, but the footage that was shown was pretty scary. For example, they played a video from some protest or rally or whatever it was in England from about a year ago, and there were a bunch of Muslims chanting "jihad", and then some imam (or whatever they are) got on a microphone and spoke about the need for Islam to rule the world with that Sharia law. They also showed a clip from some middle eastern TV show where viewers could call in, and one of the calls was from a 12 year old that couldn't wait to blow himself up and become a martyr for allah. The imam who responded said how proud he was of the child and all sorts of sick stuff. One of the guys featured in the movie was a former PLO terrorist that became a Christian. He spoke in great detail about the Muslim faith and how evil and violent it really is. He confirmed something I had thought for a while, and that was there are two kinds of Muslims - one is a casual Muslim that may attend a mosque every so often but doesn't really follow the faith, much like someone who says they believe in God yet doesn't live what The Bible states...the other is the true Muslim that knows that the faith is to be spread by killing people until Islam controls the world. Now, those true Muslims may appear to be peaceful and law-abiding here in America or Europe or England or wherever...but the teachings they follow tell them to act that way so no one knows what they're up to. For example, he was talking about living in Chicago and being at work when CNN was showing video from the Gulf War in 1991. People he worked with were concerned about the American soldiers and he chimed right in with them sounding like a patriot, but he said that in his head he was cheering the death of every they were taught to do. Keep up appearances to fly under the radar. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Another thing he discussed in detail was the use of blame and guilt to further their cause of domination. Now this should honestly be pretty obvious, but it amazes me how many people don't realize this. For example, there's the Muslim ACLU called CAIR, the Council on American Islamic we really need it but whatever. If anyone in the media like a radio host or newspaper or whoever says ANYTHING bad about Muslims then CAIR comes out screaming and pointing fingers claiming that person is a bigot or intolerant or a hate-monger. A lot of people get so scared about their careers being put in jeopardy that they keep their mouths closed when CAIR threatens them. Thankfully some people have balls enough to say what needs to be said. CAIR has PROVEN terrorist funding ties, yet are treated like some mythological branch of our those commie bastards in the ACLU.

Islam is spread through conquest...that's the history of it. I know, you might be wondering about The Crusades where evil European Christians killed people in the name of God, right? Well, that's not exactly how it happened. The Crusades started because Muslims were slaughtering Christians making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, so an army was dispatched to protect them. Oh I know, a wee bit different from what we learned in the public school system. There weren't just a bunch of innocent non-Christians living their lives peacefully only to be victims of barbarian was barbarian Muslims who were trying to kill those who didn't adhere to Islam. Yes, parts of the Crusades had rogue armies pillaging and so forth...and sadly that happens in just about any war...but overall the Crusades were fought to fight off Muslim occupation.

Do you know what the one common thing that all cults and false religions have in common? The ONE thing they all have in common is when ONE MAN claims to have received divine revelation from God. For example, look at Jim Jones. Just a quick background, he's the one who started the cult that resulted in the death of over 900 people when they drank poisoned kool-aid. He claimed God gave him specific instructions that differed from the Bible, and that only he really knew the truth. It's this way with any cult or false religion. Now look at Islam. How did it start? One man, Mohammed, claimed to have been given all these words from God. The Bible was written by many men...yet Islam all comes from one man. Early writings of the Koran are considered the "peaceful" part of the religion. This was at a time when Mohammed was living in Mecca and didn't wield much basically he wrote a message about people getting along and so forth. It was once he gained a following and moved to Medina that the writings became more violent and about control and conquest. So how was this difference in the writings justified? the Koran states:

"Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We {Allah} abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?"

So there you go...this god will just change his mind on a whim and tell you to do something different from what was stated previously. So earlier in the Koran where it tells you that you shouldn't lie is made ok later if the lie is told to cover your intentions in jihad. The ones who claim this religion is "peaceful" are more than happy to quote early writings, yet somehow dismiss publicly the rest of it.

Now I know that some look at Christianity as some evil, controlling, and judgmental religion. My opinion on that is that some will judge the Christian faith on the actions of the minority because the media LOVES to see some hate-monger evil Christian do something wrong. Yes, I'm all for people being called out when they screw up, but as a Christian it should never be done for selfish gain or to make myself feel should only be done to actually try and help the other person. It's like when the Apostle Paul called out Peter for incorrect teachings...Paul didn't do it to show that he knew more or was more righteous, he did it because he wanted to help Peter and make sure that others were learning correctly. I hear sometimes about my faith being crammed down someone's throat...not an accusation of me...but as a general statement of Christians who try to explain to others about Jesus. I'm sure there are times someone beats them over the head to the point of pissing them off...however that's not what The Bible says to do when a believer is sharing their faith.

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town." - Matthew 10:14

Those are the instructions of Jesus. Basically don't beat someone over the head with it...if they want to know more then awesome...if not then it's not your fault and move on. Compare this with how the Koran teaches "peaceful" Muslims to share their religion...

"Then when the Sacred Months (the 1st, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun {unbelievers} wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat {the Islamic ritual prayers}), and give Zakat {alms}, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." - 9:5

There you go. The "peaceful" religion tells it's followers to kill those who don't believe in Islam. The only way to avoid that is to become a believer. So, my evil and judgmental faith says to shake the dust off your feet and move on, yet this religion of peace that's been hijacked by radicals tells it's followers to kill unbelievers if they won't convert. There was a part in the documentary I watched where the former terrorist who became a Christian asked "What part of the word 'kill' do people not understand?"

I truly urge everyone to watch this documentary to see the real danger we all face. It basically reinforced what I already thought. Those who think we (America) have caused terrorism, or that if we just leave Iraq they will leave us alone are EXTREMELY naive. Their behavior has gone on for centuries...spread Islam through conquest. Until this country wakes up and the supposed "leaders" truly address what we are fighting against...I honestly fear that we are in a lot of trouble. No one in Washington wants to get rid of the word "extremist" when talking about the war we are in. We are seeing the true face of Islam...research it for yourself. Look at how the middle east reacted when cartoons of Mohammed were published, listen to the chants of "god is good" on the terrorist videos while they're sawing someone's head off, and then also look at how CAIR comes to the defense of ANY Muslim who is under investigation here in America for possible terrorist activities. Those of you who think that we can reach out and just get along with them would be the first ones showing up on an internet video headless after meeting with them if you went to the middle east. Yeah, it's true, and if you don't believe me then go right ahead and travel overseas to reach out to this "peaceful" religion. Also, if you've tried to contact me via the email, someone really did a number on it and I get about 2,000 emails of spam a day. I entered a different email on my profile here, so if you leave me a comment then I will definitely get it without it being lost in the middle of ads for increased performance in bed or hot investment tips.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nothing To See Here...Just Move Along...

So some news sources are saying that Al-Qaeda are alive and well and here in America ready to launch some major attacks. But we can all sleep well because President Bush and Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff are downplaying these reports. I feel much better now. After all, this is the same Homeland Security Director who chastised the Senate for not passing the amnesty bill and the same President who would rather leave our borders WIDE open just so we can have better trade relations with Mexico. Plus, it’s not like any members of The Minutemen have ever come across OTM’s (other than Mexican…a term used by The Minutemen) when they’ve patrolled our borders. Oh no, that’s NEVER happened. We weren’t hit on 9/11 by people who were here illegally with expired visas, right? So what if some cockroach from the middle east sets off a bomb in a major city…that’s better than actually enforcing the law and possibly offending someone.

This report about Al-Qaeda gaining strength here should be nothing new to those of us with a bit of common sense. All it takes is a few of these terrorists to do MAJOR damage…and yet our borders are still wide open. I really hate to say this, but I don’t think this country will truly wake up and take back this country until we get hit again. I think the founding fathers set up a great system of government, however I have no faith in the vast majority of the people who comprise our government. And now the members of Congress approved a bill to start withdrawing from Iraq.

This is where we are - we are in a war with people worse than Nazi Germany, we have borders that are wide open our government refuses to secure, and a Congress that has no concept of the war we are in. I hate to sound like some militant nutjob…but I’ve been telling all my friends to buy a gun because sometime very soon it’s all going to hit the fan. The majority of the people in our government have failed in every aspect of what they are supposed to do to keep this country safe because they are more concerned with keeping their jobs, their contacts, and the monetary support of various special interest groups. And like I’ve asked before, what do we do? The “system” is set up to keep us regular Joe’s with common sense out of office. What do we do? All I can do is pray…I pray every day for this country and our soldiers who are doing an amazing job considering how our own government keeps one hand tied behind their backs.

Each day I think more and more that this government no longer serves the will of the people, and we are just basically told “too bad”. This is where we are…and it pisses me off.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Let's Save Some Time

I read today that the horrible torture chamber known as the prison at Guantanamo Bay may be closed (the article is here - The plan calls for the movement of the “alleged terrorists” to places on U.S. soil which of course opens the floodgates for the ACLU and other communist lawyers to jump in to defend them. Well I have an idea on how our government can save a lot of time and money if they do plan on closing this prison.

I was thinking about last night when I was listening to Michael Savage. A caller was on who flew bombing runs over Germany in World War II. He talked about how they didn’t do precision bombing at all. They knew that military and civilian structures were mixed together, and the only way to eliminate the military targets was to level the areas. And then the guy said that this war now makes no sense…why should we bother taking prisoners…just shoot them on sight. Oh I’m sorry, I know that sounded insensitive. Also, I was listening to Savage’s show earlier this week and someone was filling in for him. I didn’t catch his name, but he said exactly what needs to be said about this war. It is such common sense yet is never addressed this way by the media and our government. He said that the “war in Iraq” is not another war we are in, it is THE major battlefield of the war we are in, much like Bastogne or Normandy was in WWII. I said this numerous times in my Senate campaign, and I know a lot of people feel the same way. He also said this isn’t a way against terrorism, it’s a jihad. It’s us against them…Muslims versus the rest of us. I was so happy to hear that on the radio, because that’s EXACTLY what it is. Our enemy calls it a jihad, so why can’t we? Oh, we have to be sensitive and not offend people who want to saw our heads off…where are my manners? The god they believe in is not the God I believe in. Their god wants that religion spread through violence and death where THE God wants us to share His word, and if someone doesn’t receive it, shake the dust off your feet and walk away. It’s a modern day crusade where “infidels” are having to defend themselves against a religion that spreads its message through the sword. Why this country’s “leaders” are too afraid to call this for what it is baffles me. The only reason I can come up with is that we have a government made up of cowards.

Anyway, back to Gitmo. I have a plan if the government does plan on closing it down that will save taxpayers a lot of money by eliminating lawyers, courts, all of it. We can find out what these guys know very easily - wrap them in bacon and have a syringe filled with pig’s blood…then threaten to inject them with the blood if they don’t confess or give the information we need. If we did that, those guys would rat out anyone if they truly knew anything. This whole process would take a couple of minutes and we could find out who was truly guilty and who isn’t.

I am so sick of our government bending over backwards to make sure we don’t offend “alleged terrorists” that are more than willing to kill me, my family, and destroy this country. But then again, this is the same government that ordered feeding tubes to be put into the “alleged terrorists” who went on hunger strikes yet just sat back while Terri Schiavo had hers removed. Yeah, makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More Freedom Lost...

I heard on the radio today as I was driving home from work that Governor Bredesen signed into law the ban on smoking in the workplace. Yes, I’m a smoker so of course I would be against this, but not for the reasons one might think. I have no problem not smoking in places where I’m not allowed. I don’t particulary like it, but it’s not that big of a deal. If it’s someone’s house, a store, wherever…if they have a policy of no smoking, then that’s their right and I will respect it. My problem is with government telling PRIVATELY owned businesses that they can’t allow customers to smoke. I know I wrote something on this several weeks ago, but I think it needs to be repeated.

Why is it I’ll soon be forced to stand outside of a restaurant because a wisp of smoke might bother someone when someone might leave that same establishment and kill a family of four on the way home because he’s smashed out of his mind? Sure, some say that people are dropping like flies from second-hand smoke, but we know for a fact that a lot of people are killed every year by drunk drivers. Why is alcohol not treated with this same sort of scrutiny? One thing I hear from people who are for the smoking ban is that they hope people will quit because they claim they are paying higher insurance rates to cover those who get smoking related illnesses. What I find quite amusing about this is that a lot of those people have no problem downing multiple drinks on the weekends at get-togethers, or at office parties, or watching Monday Night Football. So I guess to them, alcohol doesn’t cause any health problems that might cause a spike in insurance premiums. And I guess my car insurance rates don’t ever go up because of all the accidents caused by drunk driving.

If all this is for health reasons, then our state government needs to close down every fast-food restaurant, remove all junk food from grocery stores, ban the ice cream trucks that drive around during the summer, make concession stands at theaters serve only fresh vegetables, and remove all candy bars from gas stations. If this ban is because of the effect of second-hand smoke, then alcohol needs to be banned as well due to the deaths caused by drunk drivers. Think I’m being ridiculous? Go ahead, try to argue this with me.

If you don’t want to go to a place where smokers are, then go somewhere else. Just don’t tell me how good this ban is while downing several beers and then driving home to munch on some Twinkies. The government has ZERO right to dictate if a business can allow people to smoke…it should be up to the business. So once again, the government thinks they know better than we do. What I would love to see happen is businesses all band together and say “screw this” and allow smoking to continue if they already did. After all, if our state government refuses to enforce immigration laws, then they would need some kind of “comprehensive smoking reform” if businesses refused to abide by this new bs law.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

House of Lords

I love it. Memorial day was this week where the nation is supposed to take even just a moment to remember those who died in defense of this nation, yet the only thing we get force-fed is news of sales on TV's and new grills for a cookout. Our federal government is using the war as a tool for political posturing with only a small handful that truly "get it" and how serious it is. And even President Bush did nothing in my mind to show me he has backbone when he gave a speech today where he addressed this ridiculous immigration bill. What did he say? "If you want to scare the American people, what you say is the bill’s an amnesty bill. That’s empty political rhetoric, trying to frighten our citizens.” Oh really? Let's take a look at the definition of amnesty.

"a general pardon for offenses, esp. political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction."

So let's look at what this bill says. The criminals who broke the law sneaking into this country and leeching off taxpayers face no criminal penalties. Ummm....yeah. This isn't amnesty??? Oh wait, they have to pay a fine...but they get YEARS to pay this fine which is money owed to this country from the freeloaders anyway. THEY BROKE THE FRIGGIN' LAW!!!! If they aren't deported, which the law in place calls for, then that's amnesty. Isn't it wonderful to know that our president is spitting on the graves of those who died for this country? Everyone who supports this bill should be impeached and kicked out of that's ever going to happen. I can't believe my grandfather fought the Japanese in the Pacific to live long enough to see this crap happen.

And now some arab news source has released some horrendous photos. Remember a couple weeks ago when 3 soldiers were supposedly captured in Iraq? Well this news source has released some pictures which show the true nature of the savages that want to kill us, the same ones that Michael Moore referred to as freedom fighters. These pictures are pretty graphic, just wanted to warn you. Here you go -

Remember the Abu Grahib photos that had the cowardly liberals in Washington and the rest of the world all up in arms over the "torture"? I want to know WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE OUTRAGE OVER THESE?!?!? Right now on the news is some stupid story of Lindsay Lohan's DUI...because that's just soooo important. Remember when the pics from Abu Grahib were made public and watching TV was almost like 24 hour coverage of the photos? Yeah, let me reflect on that...some pics of dudes in a naked pyramid, some panties on their heads, a shot of a dog barking at a prisoner...oh wait...there was the one shot of a dead guy and a soldier giving a "thumbs up" over the body...but the body was completely intact so I'm sure he was tortured. Oh boo hoo...cry me a friggin' river. This country was able to defeat two enemies, Germany and Japan, in less time than we've had soldiers in Iraq. Does that say something? It should. It says that we have a government that is too afraid to do what has to be done. We have a joke as a commander in chief who walks on eggshells while trying to run a war because he's too damn scared of what some dumbass like Ted Kennedy or Nancy Pelosi will say. Speaking of which, those jackasses are traitors, plain and simple. They don't give a damn about our soldiers...because if they did they wouldn't bitch and whine so much about the war we're in. Every time they whine and complain, it does nothing but prolong what's going on. But hey, as long as they keep their power, what in the hell do they care? I am sick to my stomach after seeing these photos. Not just because of how barbaric they are, but also because this idiot government bends over backwards to make sure Muslims aren't offended here in America, and they use our soldiers like pawns just so they can stay elected.

When will this country change? We are being run by cowards who think appeasement and compromise is the way to go. All compromise means is that you are too much of a coward to show leadership and stand for what you believe in. While Lindsay Lohan is being discussed, we have soldiers being mutilated and the news doesn't want to talk about that because it might show how full of crap their anti-America reporting is. Did you see the news this week about the terrorist "safe house" that was discovered in Iraq? Did you hear about all the manuals recovered that showed how to torture people along with tools to do it with? Probably might show what savages and barbarians want to destroy us.

So what do we do? Honestly...what in the hell do we do? If we vote someone out of office, there's just another selfish jackass who doesn't give a crap about doing what's right to take their place. When in the hell will our government actually act in the best interest of US for a change instead of themselves? Here's another great example on a local level. In Tennessee, our state government had a HUGE surplus in tax revenue last year. I don't have the exact number, but I believe it numbered in the hundreds of millions of dollars. So does this mean tax breaks for us? Maybe a lower sales tax? Oh of course not. This just means that this money will be divided up among the state legislature to use how they want in their district, meanwhile a higher cigarette tax and possible toll roads are being debated.

Illegal immigrants given amnesty, a war where our soldiers are being beheaded and we refuse to take the gloves off, and our surplus tax money being wasted while legislation might even raise our taxes. This is our government. Now I listen to a lot of talk radio, and I constantly hear about "voter apathy" and it's up to the citizens to vote and blah blah blah. It's no wonder so few vote because what friggin' choice do we really have???

Look at what The Declaration of Independence states - "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." We can throw out the first part, because the only "consent" we give is due to the fact that laws and regulations have been put in place to make sure that if you don't have the money or a party, then you don't have a chance. Think about what context this was written in. When this statement was written, the cry was "no taxation without representation". Gee, I kind of feel the same way, as I'm sure MANY people do. Again I ask, what do we do? I really don't know. When I ran for the Senate last year, every single night I was going to sleep angry and frustrated because of the giant uphill battle it was. Some people I know have asked if I'm going to run again in 2008, and I honestly don't know. I feel I should just so I can at least vote for someone that I KNOW truly gets it, but that other part of me knows how much time and energy I spent trying to do something to make a difference that just seemed like an afterthought.

I hate to say this, but I honestly think that change in this country will only happen when we get hit worse than we did on 9/11. Is that pessimistic? Probably, but it's just a gut feeling. Now I am no beacon of virtue, because I know there are a lot of pissed off people who do everything they can, but I can't believe how many people have become so apathetic when our nation is being taken over by a foreign invasion, our military is not allowed to do what they need to do to save American lives, and our tax money is being used in ways it is NEVER supposed to be...while there is always more talk of increasing taxes. This is still a great country, no doubt about it, but those of us who adhere to the principles this country was founded upon have got to figure out a way to make a real difference...and I'm open for suggestions.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just a Few More Days…

I honestly think we find out in a few days exactly what the future of this country is going to be. I’m sure you’ve heard about the amnesty for illegals bill that sounds like it could be voted on early next week, and if this goes through, I can’t imagine a bigger slap in the face to this country that our “leaders” could be capable of. What’s even more pathetic is that this vote could come just a few days before Memorial Day…the day where this nation is supposed to take some time to honor all the people who have lost their lives not only defending and spreading freedom, but also to make sure that this country stays a sovereign nation in the way our founding fathers intended it to be. If this bill passes, then every single person who gave their life in defense of this nation has been spit on.

Have you looked at this bill? What a joke! So the head of the family is supposed to return back to their country to apply for a special visa within 8 years, and then pay a $5,000 fine that can be spread out over time. Yeah, and this will be enforced how??? WE DON’T EVEN ENFORCE EXISTING LAWS!!! If our “leaders” can’t even make sure existing laws are enforced, then how in the hell are we supposed to think that some huge new plan will EVER get enforced??? I’m not buying this crap for a minute, and I know a lot of you feel the same way.

I am so sick of hearing about how this nation was built by immigrants and blah blah friggin’ blah. The same ones who say that always seem to leave out the word “legal”. The majority, because I know some bad apples came in as well, of immigrants in this country’s history have become a PART of this country. There is nothing wrong with appreciating your heritage or where your family comes from, but if you come to this country to live then speak the friggin’ language, be a productive citizen who actually pays taxes and doesn’t leech off the rest of us, and don’t think for a second that everyone is going to bend over backwards and forget the history and traditions of this country. I sure as hell won’t, and I know many other people who feel the same way.

I can’t even put into words how frustrated and angry I am over this. I will say this - I think anyone who votes in favor of this bill, and especially President Bush if he signs it into law, should all be impeached would be guilty of treason. So because our do-nothing government caters to special interest groups and doesn’t want to enforce the law, they are willing to rewrite the law. What I want to know is if about 20 million of us decided we aren’t going to pay taxes anymore, would we be given amnesty? After all, it might be too difficult to enforce. This would go beyond “no taxation without representation”. Not only are we not being represented with this amnesty bill, it’s also a complete violation of the duties our government is supposed to uphold.

Our government is treating us like we’re just supposed to be good little serfs and till the land. And if this bill passes, I truly feel that this country is done for. Am I being dramatic? Not at all. So what can we do? I’ve heard talk radio today say that we need to be sure to contact our Senators…but will it matter? I hate to be that cynical, but I can’t help it. After all, I have yet to hear of anyone who might be running against Lamar Alexander in 2008, and since Bob Corker just got into office, he won’t have to worry about an election for a while.

I wrote in several blogs during the election about how Thomas Jefferson stated that when this government fails to do the will of the people that it needs to be replaced. It’s getting to that point. I’m not saying they do the will of the people much anyway, but passing this amnesty bill should be the final straw.

We are a country held hostage by a two party system, and those in government have set it up to keep it that way. Our founding fathers would look at everything now and cry over what they went through only to see it spit on. Tonight I am absolutely livid, and I pray to God this bill doesn’t pass.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Liberals = Traitors

If you haven't read it yet, there's an article that came out today where Al-Qaida's number 2 cockroach gets his jollies off the fact that we have a bunch of traitors in Congress. Gee, who would have thought that the "Surrender to the scumbag terrorists" spending bill Congress approved would have such an effect. Check out the article here -

The part that REALLY pissed me off above everything else was this - "This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap," al-Zawahri said, according to a transcript released by the monitoring group SITE. The bill is evidence of American "failure and frustration," he added.

So there you go. Evidence of the traitors we have in Washington who embolden our enemy. What happened to charges of treason? Why in the hell can't these people be held accountable for giving support to the enemy? Who has the guts to actually call for impeachments and resignations? And what I really want to know is who will call the bastards out on giving support to the enemy? No one, that's who. We have a MAJORITY party in Washington that has given a HUGE morale boost to an enemy that wants us all dead. Basically, this country is being ruled by people who would rather side with madmen who want to wipe us out. I just hope that someone will inform these jackass scumbag politicians that American blood is on their they really even care. I swear, I am so pissed off after reading this article I'm probably rambling.

Where is OUR voice in Washington? Where are OUR elected representatives calling a press conference to show the damage that has been done by this bill? Bob Corker is probably attending the latest "How Republicans can be in control in '08" meeting and can't be bothered with something like this. If I was in Washington, I would not rest until I made sure that the country heard about this story and called EVERY SINGLE PERSON who voted in favor of this spending bill a traitor. Man am I pissed off. And the worst part about it is what do we do?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

"Peaceful" Protests

It’s such a shame how the LAPD acted at MacArthur Park yesterday, isn’t it? Put yourself in their shoes for a moment and you can see how what they did was WAY out of line. First off, there was a huge demonstration going on that included a bunch of people who BROKE THE LAW coming into this country all screaming about how they deserve to be citizens. Next, the demonstrators were supposed to stay confined to the park, but somehow made their way out into the streets. So the police show up in riot gear, and start getting pelted with rocks and bottles. They are outnumbered and have no idea how out of hand this might get. How DARE they exercise force to gain control of the situation! Have you seen the videos on the web? Those poor demonstrators getting shot with rubber bullets or whacked with a baton when they won’t move back…who do these officers think they are? After all, common sense dictates that when the police show up in riot gear and demand people to move that you don’t have to, and if you get hit then it’s not your fault. I find it fitting that this Friday is the anniversary of the Kent State shootings where again a bunch of fascists decided to slaughter innocent people.

How could the National Guard shoot into a crowd at Kent State? After all, the only things that happened leading up to that moment were incidents such as the campus R.O.T.C. building set on fire and the fireman being pelted with rocks as they battled the blaze. And the National Guard had stuff thrown at them as well. They tried to disperse the crowd with teargas, but the peaceful protestors decided to throw the canisters back at them along with other items. Warning after warning was issued…so how DARE the National Guard open fire. Don’t we have a right to peaceful protest? Sure, a building was set on fire and the National Guardsmen were attacked, but that’s no excuse.

Ok, enough sarcasm. Yes, it sucks people had to die at Kent State, and it sucks people had to get beat and shot with rubber bullets in Los Angeles, but oh well. If you don’t want this happening to you, here’s a little tip - don’t support illegal activities. Oh I know, I’m being “judgemental” now. First off, the people in LA were supporting an illegal activity, and I have a gut feeling that a lot of those in attendance broke the law by sneaking into this country. If immigration laws had never been broken, the event in LA yesterday would not have happened. At Kent State, the days leading up to that fateful day saw a building set on fire, police being pelted with items, and the call to “bring the war home”. You don’t think those Guardsmen thought they might be in danger? Honestly, I’m not going to second-guess their decision.

Liberals want actions with NO consequences, and reality says otherwise. You attack police when engaging in an illegal activity or supporting one, then you might get hit. You set an R.O.T.C. building on fire, attack the firemen, and throw stuff at the National Guard? Yeah, you might get shot at. Sure, some might say that we have a right to stand up to the government when they’re wrong, and I completely agree. But those of us with a lick of common sense can look at these two situations and know that the actions by the demonstrators weren’t done out of true patriotism…it was done for a bs and radical left-wing agenda.

I honestly feel bad for the LAPD who are going to be dragged over the coals for this, because they really had no clue how out of hand things might get. So to those who are crying about excessive force being used against you in LA yesterday, maybe next time you’ll think twice about supporting something ILLEGAL.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Hello ACLU...where are you???

Today news hit on talk radio and the internet about foot-washing basins being installed at the Kansas City airport to accomodate Mulsims who need to wash their feet before praying and blah blah blah. Let me get this straight…American airports are going to bend over backwards to a “religion” that is responsible for 9/11? Yeah, wow, this makes perfect sense to me. So what I want to know is where in the heck is the ACLU??? Seriously, I want someone who lives in Kansas City to contact their local ACLU chapter about launching a lawsuit. I’m not kidding. In fact, if I don’t hear from someone in the next few days about contacting the ACLU, I’ll do it myself and I’ll post it all here. What if I demanded a chapel be put in all airports so I can pray before a flight? Where’s the harm in that? All I want to do is pray for a safe flight, right? Oh we can’t have that because then I’d be cramming my religion down someone’s throat. So I can’t smoke in most airports, but this “religion” that is responsible for terrorism gets catered to. Yeah, makes perfect sense to me.

Seriously, I want someone to contact the ACLU about this in Kansas City and scream about “separation of church and state” and let me know what they have to say. If not, I’ll contact them. I just think it would have more substance to it if someone in that area got in touch with them. Please, someone in Kansas City contact them and comment to me. I am not going to let this rest. I’m absolutely livid. Remember at Christmas when someone whined about a Christmas tree at an airport so all the decorations were taken down? And here we are, just a few months later where this false religion who’s followers are willing to blow themselves up to take out the infidels, and hijacked a few planes to kill over 3,000 American citizens is having the red carpet rolled out for them at our airports.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Happy Earth Day!

When I was a little kid and would whine and cry for no reason, my dad would usually say something like “You better knock it off, or I’ll give you something to cry about”. I’m sure we’ve all heard that growing up. Yesterday I decided to put that saying into practice. Now I’m sure EVERYONE knew it was Earth Day because of how important it is, and I’m sure hippies were having recycling parties and playing king of the mountain seeing who could be the number one person on the soapbox to show all of us unenlightened people just how crucial global warming is. I’ve stated it numerous times before, I don’t believe that this man-made global warming junk is going to doom the planet it ten years. Does this mean I don’t care about pollution? Well according to the radical nutjobs it does. So yesterday I decided to celebrate Earth Day as a truly evil conservative hate-monger who doesn’t give a flip about natural resources. After all, I don’t have any kids, so why would I care if I waste the Earth’s resources and pollute the planet? I’ll be long gone when the trouble starts. Now to prove that I’m not one of these people that’s all talk and no action *cough* Al Gore *cough*, I decided to show photographic evidence of how I celebrated Earth Day and did whatever I could to waste natural resources. Hey, I’m an evil conservative, remember? So if the eco-freaks want something to cry about, please keep reading.

During warm weather months, I usually keep my house at about 74 or 75 degrees…but not yesterday. As an aside, I think it’s strange how this has been about the coldest April I can remember, but again, I’m an evil conservative that doesn’t see all the “evidence” of man-made global warming. When I got up, the first thing I did was cut my AC on full blast to a chilly 68 degrees. Hey, it’s my friggin house and I’ll keep it as cold as I want. In fact, here’s a picture to prove what I set it to when I woke up -

Again, I’m a man of action. Yes, it was a wee bit nippy inside, but eco-freaks would think I’d waste resources so I had to endure it. After that it was time for the morning protein shake, and step two in wasting resources and damaging the environment. I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a very environmentally unfriendly refrigerator. I opened the door, and here’s the sticker on the inside that I saw -

In case you can’t read it, the sticker states - “WARNING: Contains CFC11 and CFC12. Substances which harm public health and environment by destroying ozone in the upper atmosphere.” Seriously, could me, as an evil conservative, have a better refrigerator? I think not. So it’s destroying the ozone…I don’t care. As long as my Coke Zero is ice cold then that’s all that matters. Well when I saw this sticker, I felt the need to release as much CFC11 and CFC12 into the atmosphere as possible, so I left the door open for HOURS as shown below -

Oh I know what you’re thinking - “But Bo, didn’t your Coke Zero get warm?” Please, I’m smarter than that. All I had to do was turn down the thermostat of the fridge to increase the output. Yes, more CFC11 and CFC12 probably were pumped into the atmosphere, but as cold as April has been I figured we could use a little warming. Up next was water. Now I battled with this one. The reason being, if all the polar ice caps are melting and raising the sea levels to where we will all be living in Atlantis in a few years, by me wasting water, I might be helping the cause. Oh well, I got through it. So I decided to cut on every faucet and just let them run. Yep, even though we’ll all be living in the deep seas sometime soon, I decided to waste water. So here’s a few photos showing that -

Once again I show that I’m a man of action! Just look at all that precious water going to waste…it’s a shame isn’t it? Remember, I’m an evil conservative and because I am one, I have to waste any and all resources I can because I’m not as thoughtful as someone like Al Gore. Speaking of Big Al, he claims his businesses and houses are carbon neutral, whatever in the heck that means. He’s come up with this idea about carbon dioxide being a pollutant. Now I don’t know about you, but when something is needed to keep living organisms alive, like plants and trees for example, I don’t really see how it can be a pollutant. Then again, I’m not as enlightened as Big Al. Of course people with his mentality didn’t feel the need to supply Terry Schiavo with resources to keep her alive, but I digress. So I felt the need to expel as much CO2 in the air as possible…providing such an over-abundance of it that all the plants couldn’t possibly use it all to convert it to oxygen. How did I do this? Well one thing is my band had practice, so I truly emphasized the need for me to practice vocals on all the new songs over and over and over. Another way was I spent a lot of time on the phone talking about nothing. This is evidenced here -

As you can see, the battery indicator in the upper right shows my phone is about of juice, so I talked quite a bit. I dialed several wrong numbers and tried to strike up conversations, and in fact ordered a pizza during the busiest time just so I would be put on hold where I talked to myself the entire time. This also resulted in someone getting in their car to burn gas to bring me food. And yes, that’s Eric Cartman on my phone. He can’t stand hippies, I can’t stand hippies…seemed like a perfect match…hahaha.

Well I truly hope everyone had a great Earth Day and really made yourself feel better by saving the planet. I did my part to destroy it since I’m supposed to as an evil conservative. So there you go, hopefully I gave eco-freaks something to really whine about. Hey, I’m just doing what I can to help people…hahaha.

I get quite cynical at times. Oh I know, VERY hard to believe, isn’t it? I can’t stand it when people take up a cause and try to show just how awesome of a person they are because they are “raising awareness”. If you care about the environment and want to do your part, then I’m all for it, but don’t turn it into a show. Don’t come out and act like I’m an idiot because I don’t see things your way. So I’m supposed to put stock in the man-made global warming stuff because a guy that played a bartender on “Cheers” speaks about it? Who in the heck made Ted Danson an authority on anything? Oh wait, he’s a celebrity, so he’s more enlightened than I am. Just like Al Gore. Big Al makes some stupid movie and because I don’t swallow everything, I’m closed-minded and hateful. Meanwhile HE’S the one who has a couple of houses wasting energy and flying around in a private plane to talk about us serfs wasting energy. Now I know someone will probably email me and say “How can you act like this?” over what I’m about to talk about, but whatever. I’ve mentioned before I sleep with the TV on…it’s just a habit I got in years ago. I leave it on the local ABC channel, primarily because the local news traffic reporter is a very pleasant face to see when I wake up…haha. Her name is Theresa Weakly I think…what a babe. Anyway, this past Friday when “Good Morning America” started, Robin Roberts and Diane Sawyer were sitting at the desk wearing orange and red. They started talking about how that day everyone should wear the Virginia Tech colors to show support to the victims of the massacre and blah blah blah. Yes, it was horrible, but for me to wear the school colors here in Nashville would be completely meaningless, unless I wanted to walk around that day thinking “wow…look at how awesome I am…I’m showing my support to the victims even though I’m a thousand miles away and no one impacted by it will see me”. It was one thing to fly the flag after 9/11 because the COUNTRY was attacked, but for me someone to wear the VA Tech colors because of the shootings? Fine, do what you have to do to feel good about yourself. I’m sure it’s really helping….yawn. It reminds me of a commercial I saw back around 1990 when eco-freaks really started being a “voice”. There was a commercial for Downy detergent, and how you could buy this small cardboard box of concentrate you could refill the big plastic bottle with and add some water. The commercial had Jill Housewife filling up the big bottle, and then collapsing the box and throwing it away. I’ll never forget the final scene where she’s in the park with her kids and ready to spread the picnic blanket…she turns to the camera and goes “And it’s also nice knowing that not only am I saving money, but I’m making the future better for my kids”. Oh please…give me a break. Hey, how about the gas you burned going to the park? If people want to give to something or help something then fine…more power to you…but don’t make it a show, it just looks SO insincere. To sum up, I’d like to be a religious zealot and quote from the words of Jesus -

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” - Matthew 6:2-4

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Leave It To a "Politician"

As the details of the worst shooting spree in America are still being sorted out, one politician has taken this opportunity to show what a true jackass he is. I hated to think it, but I knew when this happened that someone running for president would say something about it and tie it into their campaign. Personally I thought it would be John Edwards considering he’s about as sharp as a bag of wet liver (thanks Foghorn Leghorn), but it wasn’t. It was the candidate everyone is praising as a superstar, as the man who can work with both parties, a man who can rise above “politics” and really get something done. It was none other than the idiot Barack Obama. In a speech he gave last night (that you can check out at Obama uses this tragedy as an opportunity to talk about violence in America…you know…to show his “vision” for the country. So what did he reference in this speech that he tied to the massacre at Virginia Tech? Such “violent” things as Don Imus’ remark about “nappy headed ho’s” and the violence of jobs being outsourced overseas. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS CRAP?!?!

Now I NEVER thought Obama had any mental capacity whatsoever to serve as a “leader”, but to think this idiot is being heralded as the second coming scares me to death. For him to downplay this event as he did in a speech all for political gain is FAR worse than ANYTHING Don Imus said last week. Comparing someone losing a job or being called a name to a college student who was gunned down by a madman shows that this guy will do and say anything without ANY conscience whatsoever to be elected…as if we didn’t already know. Obama should be ashamed of himself…but I’m sure his team is already working on damage control for this and the liberal sheep will buy into it.

In fact, I can already tell you what he’ll say. He’ll backtrack a little bit and say that what he was trying to do was paint a broad picture of how America is so divided that we have created a culture where people focus on differences…and because of this you get groups of people who don’t feel that the American Dream can be theirs and blah blah I have no point except to stay vague blah blah blah. Barack, you are a complete pile of scum (I’m being nice) and I hope that your self-serving speech will be the end of your time in politics. You are an embarrassment to this country.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I’m sure everyone has heard by now that Don Imus’ radio show is no more. Do I think what he said was stupid? Yes I do. Did he deserve to be fired? No…and I’ll tell you why. First, I can’t believe I’m even spending time on this, but I have a point so stick with me. Don Imus made his remarks a week ago, yet it took a few days for everyone to be offended. This shows how few people listened to that segment that day as well as put any stock in what Don Imus said. If there was outrage expressed that day or the day after and he was fired then, well maybe I could look at this situation as the employer doing the right thing. But given the amount of time this whole scenario took to play out, it shows me that the BIGGEST reason racism exists is to keep jackasses like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in business. Yes, what I’m saying is the two biggest names that supposedly lead the fight for civil rights and to end racism are the two who keep it going so they’ll have a paycheck.

I want to share a story about how I learned about racism. I was 5 years old, and my family went to a campground for the weekend. One afternoon, I told my parents I was going to walk right up the trail to play in the playground. I get there, and was the only white person. I started to get on a swing and a couple of black little boys came over and started telling me that “honkeys aren’t allowed on these swings” and they pushed me off. I started to walk to the monkey bars where several black kids were playing and they all started telling me “these bars ain’t for honkeys!”, and not knowing what they meant, I started to climb them. Guess what, several black kids pulled me off and once again informed me that honkeys weren’t allowed. Now I was 5 years old and had no clue what was going on, but I was upset because all I wanted to do was play. I went back to where my family had our camp setup and my dad could see I was upset. I told him what happened and he told me that sometimes people of different races don’t like others who aren’t in their race. I honestly had a hard time with that, because at the time one of my best friends was a black kid named Alan who I was in pre-school with. That was my introduction to racism. It’s funny in a sad way because I always hear about racism being taught…so that means these kids were told to hate white people.

I don’t say this to be negative about blacks at all. I say this to show that racism can and does exist in races other than white people. And guess what…it will NEVER go away in this world. As long as people look different, there will be people who don’t like them. It’s the way it’s been for a long time, so just deal with it. If I was to travel to Watts or Compton, would I be welcome with open arms? Yeah, right. It’s just the way things are, and you live with it. Is it right? No, but like I said, it’s the way things are. And do you know what I think is the number one contributor to racism? It’s when people keep making it an issue. I don’t care if you’re white, black, or whatever…there will always be people who don’t like you because of your race. So what do you do? You ignore it and LIVE YOUR LIFE!

I watched “South Park” last night, and they made so much fun of the stereotypical lesbian, Iranian, and Mexican that I can’t believe there wouldn’t be outrage over it. In fact, they even have a character named Token Black. So why doesn’t Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson go after Trey Parker and Matt Stone? Easy…because they know these guys won’t back down. Heck, they already made fun of Jesse Jackson in a show…someone said the “n” word and to apologize he had to kiss Jackson’s bare butt. Why aren’t they outraged over this? Oh wait…there’s no blood in the water.

I hope this shows that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are like sharks in the water looking for blood. Both of these individuals disgust me because they call themselves reverends, yet do NOTHING but divide people and run around screaming about hate. They are attention whores and have used this situation with Don Imus to try and prove some sort of relevance. When people quit making race an issue, it won’t be a big deal. To quote from the movie “Rocky Balboa” - “Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!”

So do you want to point fingers and be a coward using excuses? It’s what Sharpton and Jackson want so they can have power. They thrive by continuing to point out that the system is against you, therefore you can’t succeed without their help. They’re liars, and the fact they call themselves “reverend” disgusts me. Remember this - Jesus was from Nazareth and Nazarenes were considered VERY low on the social ladder. Did He EVER say your perceived status was a valid excuse for not pursuing something? I don’t think He did.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sticks and Stones…

The lastest news is the madman in Iran is enriching uranium, our “leaders” in Washington are still squabbling over funding that the troops need, illegal immigrants are still killing people while driving drunk (the latest being the man who directed the classic movie “A Christmas Story”), and EVERY friggin news show I watch or listen to is doing NOTHING but talking about this crap with Don Imus calling some basketball players “nappy headed ho’s”. SO WHAT! I swear, the media is treating this like no one has ever been called a name before. Remember hearing the saying as a kid about sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you? Gee, what was that, 1st grade??? When I was a fat kid and was called names, did I run and tell the teacher? Did I act like my life was ruined? No, I didn’t. You know what I did? I learned a LONG time ago that it doesn’t matter one bit what someone else thinks of me. That was something my dad would constantly tell me growing up…don’t worry about someone who says something bad about you because someone always will. The only opinion anyone has that you have to worry about is your own. For example, when I was involved in the Senate race last year I was called all sorts of names in blogs and newspapers. I read that I was a racist, a bigot, a religious zealot, and my personal favorite, a murdercon. Did I run around screaming how offended I was and demand apologies? No, I’m an adult, and I would honestly laugh and call my buddies to tell them the new name I had been called. It provided a lot of laughs honestly. Yet Don Imus says what he says and the world is coming to an end. WHO CARES!?!

I swear, this is a great example of why this country is so screwed up. We have “leaders” who are SO concerned that the rest of the world doesn’t call us a bad name that we walk on eggshells when dealing with people who would LOVE to saw our heads off. While we are still in the middle of a war that won’t end anytime soon, we have media morons spending every waking moment on Imusgate. Now, my favorite moment of this whole thing has to have been last night when I saw Jesse Jackson on Glenn Beck’s TV show. He said that no one has the right to talk about people that way. Oh really? When did this happen? I’ve got every friggin right I want to say whatever I want about anyone. It doesn’t mean it’s appropriate, or that I should be surprised if there are any ramifications, but I can say anything about anyone. Like it or not, I DO have that right.

I was really hoping that after the Anna Nicole Smith fiasco fizzled, we could actually hear about what was going on around us that TRULY affected us…oh how wrong I was. Wait, what’s this? I better go, the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby was announced today so I’m sure it’s on every friggin news outlet and this is some real news.

Offended? THEN GROW UP!!!

Yes, it’s been a while since I posted, and some of it has to do with my schedule being full. But the other reason is because every time I would log in to write, I found myself getting livid. It’s like every single story I read, someone is offended. England won’t teach about The Holocaust or The Crusades in school because they don’t want to offend the Muslims. Muslims are trying to sue airline passengers because some reported their suspicious behavior and they’re all offended. Illegal immigrants are all offended because we have laws that the illegals refuse to recognize, and when they get enforced, they start crying about it. And of course the media reports these stories like we’re supposed to be all sympathetic. Well please pass me a tissue. I’m amazed that liberals, who have absolutely NO sense of right and wrong, are the first ones to scream about how offensive something is. Yet If I, a Christian conservative, say something is wrong I’m labelled a bigot, intolerant, a hate-monger, a racist, a religious zealot, or a homophobe. And on another note, why is it that those who supposedly represent me in Washington won’t speak out against these groups of people screaming about how offended they are? It’s because those that supposedly represent MY values are cowards and only care about getting re-elected. Outside of Tom Tancredo, there is not one candidate for the President race that I could support, and sadly he probably doesn’t have a chance. Even if Fred Thompson decides to run, I wouldn’t support him. I’ve always thought of him as a politician’s politician, and then after one of my best friends told me about his experiences working with him and what a jerk he was, I will not vote for him.

So back to my point…why is it that I can’t scream about being offended? Maybe it’s because I’m a mature adult who doesn’t whine like a little baby when someone says something I don’t agree with. Liberals are a bunch of cowards and cry-babies with no sense of moral values. And what amazes me about Muslims is that they’re ready to strap a bomb to themselves and blow up a market, yet they whine and cry when some airline passengers report them for suspicious behavior. We all know the answer - they are all trying to destroy this country from within. These cries of being “offended” are smoke-screens to change this country through the courts, and we have NO leadership that will stick up for the rest of us. So while there are vast numbers of us who truly have good values, a sense of right and wrong, and love this country, the ACLU, CAIR, and various Latino rights groups are changing the Constitution via the courts, and NO ONE IN WASHINGTON HAS THE BALLS TO STAND UP TO THEM!!! I’m so disgusted by it I can’t even see straight.

In closing, I would like to say a few things that hopefully will offend some people -

1) Allah is not God. The Bible specifically states that if you deny the Son then you deny the Father. Since Muslims deny Jesus as Lord, it’s a false religion.

2) The Holocaust actually happened. Yes, a madman decided that hundred of thousands of Jews were scum and decided to exterminate them. And there’s a madman in Iran who doesn’t think it happened and this same madman should be taken out.

3) The Crusades started because Muslims were killing Christians who were making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Yes, it’s true.

4) If you snuck into this country then leave…I don’t want you here and many other people feel the same way. If you had a kid here, the kid can stay but you need to go. Oh wait, the family is being broken up? Then maybe you should not have broken the law coming into this country ILLEGALLY. Don’t come crying to me, you broke the law.

5) There is no such thing as a seperation of church and state according to the Constitution. Please tell me where this is specifically stated. Yes, Congress can’t make any religion the official religion, but if a school wants to teach the Bible, they have every right to do so, get over it.

6) Americans have EVERY RIGHT to be suspicious of Muslims praying while on an airplane. I mean we did have that little incident on 9/11/2001 where Muslims prayed and then decided to take over some planes and kill over 3,000 people.

These are just a few items I felt the need to share. And one more thing to think about over Easter weekend is this - why is it that anything involving Christianity seems to offend people? I truly think it’s because Christianity is the one religion (and I hate to use that term because Christianity is really a faith, not a man-made doctrine) where at some point you have to admit that you are wrong…and the liberal mentality can NEVER do that because everyone has to feel good about themselves even if the life they are leading is perverse, immoral, or destructive.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"If I knew then what I know now..."

I saw a clip on a news show tonight starring the one and only Hillary Clinton speaking about the war in Iraq. First, it annoys me to no end when it’s called “The War in Iraq”. IT’S A WAR AGAINST THESE MUSLIMS THAT WANT TO KILL US!!! It just so happens that Iraq is the major battlefield. To think that this is a seperate war is naive. The Battle of the Bulge wasn’t called “The War in Bastogne”…it was all part of WWII. But enough on that.

Last year when I was running for the U.S. Senate, one thing about Harold Ford bothered me more than just about anything else. When he appeared on “Imus In The Morning” he was asked if he would have voted for the war knowing what he knows now. His answer was “no”. To me, that told me all I needed to know about him because it showed he clearly lacked vision and had NO guts to stand by a tough decision, he only wanted to appeal to his “audience”. Well Clinton has now stated the same thing in her quest to be the president. She almost said it verbatim, like it’s some liberal talking point…oh wait…it probably is if you’re running for office. She was asked about her vote and started with the “If I knew then what I know now….” and then of course had to add how Bush misled and blah blah blah. First, I think anyone with a bit of common sense realizes she’s lying like crazy, just as Ford did. At the time they were all for it, then the going gets tough, elections are going on, and they say whatever they need to so they can cover their tracks because they have no backbone and only care about getting elected. When I hear ANY politician say something like this and how Bush misled, I think a couple of things about that person -

1) They’re liars with no conscience who only care about winning elections

2) If Bush is supposedly so stupid, and they were misled by him, then they’re apparently not too bright themselves

If I had voted to send troops into battle and then later thought it was wrong, I couldn’t show my face in public. Knowing that the blood of those dead soldiers was on my hands would shame me to no end, and I sure as hell wouldn’t be out there like “Oh I was misled, I would vote different now, I want to be elected” and blah blah blah. I tried like crazy to get on one of the debates during the Senate race so I could call Ford out on this bs. Sadly it never happened.

I blame the cowardice of politicians on a lot of these soldiers’ deaths. Why? It’s like I said on Steve Hilton’s radio show last fall that on 9/12 we should have had “Operation Glass Parking Lot” and levelled the middle east. If we had done that, we wouldn’t be in the situation we are and I seriously doubt any other country would stick their middle finger out at us like North Korea. That’s how Patton or Churchill would have handled it…of course if we had leaders like that over the years, 9/11 probably would never have happened, and if Washington wasn’t run by a bunch of cowards, the American military would have truly been unleashed and all this would have been over by now.

Anyone who believes what Hillary said is an idiot, and I pray someone has a chance to call her out on this crap. It disgusts me to hear these politicians be such flakes when it comes to the lives of our soldiers.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blog issues

I signed in tonight to update, and was told I needed to upgrade to some new form of blogspot and was assured that my old posts wouldn't be deleted. Well, they were. But since I also write over at, I was able to repost many of them. That's why several will have the same date. Just an FYI.

Hollywood Hypocrites

I had The Oscars on tonight while I was punching away at my heavy bag, and once again Hollywood shows their true colors. Melissa Ethridge was playing a song from Al Bore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, and behind her on a giant screen were all sorts of helpful tips as to how we can save the environment. It was like those movies you see about the future where propaganda is constantly played on screens all over the city. While watching this, I couldn’t help but laugh. We are being given all these ways to save the environment and stop global warming from people who sat in idling limousines while waiting to be dropped off on the red carpet, and we all know how fuel efficient limousines are. And I’m sure a lot of these same people flew to attend the awards, which of course is not exactly conserving fuel. But what else should we expect from these elitists?

Remember last year when George Clooney took it upon himself to proclaim how Hollywood has a history of taking on social causes? He stated how people were saying that Hollywood was out of touch, and then cited examples to show how they weren’t. These examples included such items as how Hollywood was at the front of the civil rights movement. How? Is that because the first “talkie” starred Al Jolsen wearing blackface? Or was it all those movies where black men worked in train cars and black women all dressed like Aunt Jemima? How about Clooney stating Hollywood was at the forefront of AIDS awareness…is that because Rock Hudson was the first person with name recognition to die from AIDS? I guess wearing a little ribbon really means you’re standing up for a cause.

That’s why Elvis was the king. At a press conference when he was talking about his Las Vegas shows, he was asked his opinion on the Vietnam War. Did he take the opportunity to say how much he hated the president or how illegal and unjust it was? No. He said , “Ma’am I’m just an entertainer and my opinion on that really doesn’t matter”. Why can’t these Hollywood hypocrites act the same way? Oh wait, they make a living acting like they’re someone else so their opinions really have some merit.

Fine, Just Bring the Troops Home

I saw today on an article titled “Senate Dems Move to Limit Iraq Mission”. Reading this article is beyond infuriating. Here’s some of it -

“Determined to challenge President Bush, Senate Democrats are drafting legislation to limit the mission of U.S. troops in Iraq, effectively revoking the broad authority Congress granted in 2002, officials said Thursday. ”

Our military has already been handcuffed enough as it is. If this goes through then just go ahead and bring the troops home and let the terrorists take over in Iraq. It sickens me every single time I hear about another U.S. soldier dying over there because there is no need for it, and something like this will cost MORE American lives. In saying that, I don’t mean they shouldn’t be there…what I mean is that if these spineless wimps in Washington cared more about this country then they do their careers, our military could have unleashed everything they are capable of and foot soldiers would have just been needed for mop-up. General George Patton once said that “no good decision ever came from a swivel chair”, and I could NOT agree more. So is this what they mean by “supporting the troops”? Yeah, handcuff the soldiers even more and claim they somehow support them…unreal. But I’m sure you wimps, excuse me, liberals, will somehow justify this.

We have no leadership in Washington, and we (those of us who truly understand right and wrong) don’t seem to have representation. What I’d like to hear is what fearless Bob Corker will have to say about all this, Probably whatever is distributed on the Republican daily memo of talking points. We are so soft. Back in World War II, just about everyone had to sacrifice. On the home front gas, sugar, nylon, etc., were basically rationed. We have yet to be asked to give up one damn thing, yet people feel they have a right to complain about our involvement and have their stupid little protests. The people who protest and act like these scumbags in Washington think they are really showing some courage, when in reality they are a bunch of cowards. The people with courage are the soldiers and their families who fight for what they believe. And on a much smaller scale, other people with courage are those of us who will call out these cowards and expose them for aiding the enemy, because that’s what they are doing. You have to pick a side…you’re either for us or against us…you can’t have it both ways. Oh I know that sounds so horrible looking at things so black and white, but that’s reality…something you liberal scum are too scared to do.

Yep, this country is being run by a bunch of selfish jerks who care more about their careers than the lives of Americans. Go ahead and try to dispute me…I’ll just tell you that you’re full of crap. You liberal scum need to learn that sometimes things in life are black and white, and that sometimes the blood of Americans is on your hands. So just bring them home, let terrorism take a strong foothold in Iraq, and be sure to let the families of the fallen soldiers know that their losses were for nothing…go right ahead.

The Courts Got SOMETHING Right!

According to an AP story today, “Guantanamo Bay detainees may not challenge their detention in U.S. courts, a federal appeals court said Tuesday”. Well it’s about friggin’ time someone had the guts to actually rule this way and do what’s right. What absolutely boggles my mind is the fact this ever WENT to court to begin with. Now the article did say this will be appealed to the Supreme Court…like that’s a big surprise…and hopefully they’ll rule the same.

How did we get to this point? How do so-called Americans want to represent these savages in our courts? THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD! Have these terrorist-lovers heard about the types of people that are being held there? Did they know these are basically the same as POW’s in World War II? This group of detainees is made up of cockroaches who were trying to kill American soldiers and were captured. NO civilian should be given access to see them, especially Americans. Any lawyer who wants to represent these savages should be tried for treason. And don’t you love how when people scream about these barbarians’ rights they always want to use the term “Geneva Convention”? Have you ever read the Geneva Convention? I have, and I doubt those who scream about us adhering to it ever have. There are such provisions as providing a commissary where toiletries and tobacco can be purchased, and also a provision to pay the prisoners and put that money into an account that awaits them upon their release. The whole thing is a joke and NO country has ever adhered to it.

Our military does treat prisoners better than any other, like it or not. And if you want to yell about the pictures from Abu Grahib, give me a break. I heard many stories about the types of people that were being held there, and for them to have panties on their head was pretty tame compared to what they deserved. What I find amazing is the idiots who would side with Jane Fonda forget that she knows EXACTLY what happened in the POW camps in Vietnam where Americans were held, yet she didn’t care. They side with a woman who basically ignored the LEGITIMATE torture that happened to American soldiers yet had no pity.

There’s a part of me that is like “if these tree-huggers want something to whine about when it comes to treatment of these detainees then let’s shoot them in the leg with a bullet soaked in pig’s blood” since that will ruin any chance of meeting the 72 virgins…at least then these sympathizers and traitors will have some real substance to whine about. LEt me put it this way - if I got my hands on someone that was trying to kill my family and showed no remorse, they would wish they were dead. I applaud the restraint our soldiers show when I don’t think I could.

Hopefully our courts will quit wasting time and money dealing with the enemy. This is a WAR!!! It’s not some guy who robbed a store…these are people who want to wipe out our complete existence. Let them rot for all I care. And if someone gives me that line about “well what happens when you get detained with no access to the courts?” I would say that I have never called a known terrorist, I don’t visit terrorist websites, I don’t email terrorists, and I WASN’T SHOOTING AT AMERICAN SOLDIERS!!!! Heck, I bet John Walker Lindh will get out of jail and write some best-seller called “Why I Fought Capitalism” and will do a HUGE book tour with appearances on Oprah. The scumbag should be shot or hung.

Hopefully this appeal will hurry up and go to the Supreme Court and get shot down…then maybe these terrorist-lovers will quit crying about access to our courts.

If You Don't Support the War, Then You Don't Support the Troops

Don’t you just love how people’s selfish ambitions can cost lives? We have a bunch of people in Washington who value their own careers over the life of someone. Yes, that’s exactly what it is…a bunch of power-hungry pricks who would rather see U.S. soldiers die just so they can hold “power” in office. The same people who gave the president authority to go to war are now saying “oh wait…ummm…I need to get re-elected” and they side with some bs resolution saying they support the troops but not the war. Allow me to paraphrase…there are 246 traitors in Washington who deserve hangings or the firing squad for being traitors. You voted for this…STAND BY YOUR VOTE!!!! The fact these people want to act like “oh I support the troops but not the war” is complete bs. To support the troops means you support WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!! I’m sick of these politicians wanting it both ways just to get votes.

Now seeing how this is a “non-binding” resolution…why even waste the time??? After all…the borders are still WIDE open so there is real work to be done. But you know what? Go aead and cut the funding…let people know you hope the terrorists win. You bitch and moan about our troops not having what they need…which includes more troops…so go ahead and vote against sending more…let people know what traitors you all are. You disgust me. The blood of these soldiers is on your hands. You vote it’s ok to send them off to war yet want to play politics when they get there. Hope you sleep well tonight scumbags!

Anyone Got a Light?

I’m sure you have heard by now that one of the only sane people in Washington had a cop visit his office because he was smoking. Yes, Tom Tancredo had a visit from the police when an assistant of the Congressman who has an office next to him called the police because of the smoke. Who is the Congressman? None other than Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress. Honestly, liberals are the biggest bunch of babies. They avoid any sort of confrontation, usually by threatening a lawsuit. They can’t truly stand up for anything. Oh sure, they may do war protests, but what guts does that really take? Wow, you made a cute little sign about Bush being Hitler and I’m supposed to be amazed by your courage. Anyway, Ellison’s aid called the police because this person had ZERO guts to actually approach Tom Tancredo and let him know the smoke might be bothering him. What a coward.

Here in Tennessee, there is talk of a cigarette tax increase of forty cents a pack. This would supposedly go towards education. Now, at the same time there is talk of banning smoking in restaurants and bars as well. So let me see if I understand this, this state wants to increase taxes on cigarettes yet wants to ban public smoking which I would think would might urge people to quit or cut back, therefore the tax increase wouldn’t do much good because not as many cigarettes will be bought. The last time we had a big tax increase on cigarettes here in this state was to help fund Tenncare. The rationale was that smokers cost taxpayers and policy holders more money because they will use more money of insurance companies due to their unhealthy habit. When this went through, I wondered when the increase tax on Twinkies was going to go into effect, yet somehow it never did. When people stuff their faces with Twinkies, aren’t they in a position to need a lot of medical care? What about people who don’t exercise? What about people who live off fast food? Where is the increase in taxes for them because of their unhealthy lifestyle? How about morbidly obese people, why aren’t they paying more in taxes seeing how they are such a drain on healthcare? Oh I forgot, there are “eating disorders”…smokers just have a dirty habit.

I just returned from a business trip to San Diego. In California, you basically can’t smoke anywhere. My hotel was non-smoking, and carried a $500 fine if I did. But what really cracked me up was the restaurant across the parking lot from where I was staying. I went inside to the bar and ordered a drink. I was told I could take it out to the patio if I wanted to smoke. So I go outside to have a drink and smoke. While I’m sitting there, this guy comes stumbling out and goes to his car. This guy got into his car and actually drove off in the state he was in. I can’t remember the last time I read about someone smoking a cigarette killing a family of four on the highway…please refresh my memory if you’re aware of such a tragedy.

It amazes me that the two most villified industries by our government are also the two industries our government profits the most off of - tobacco and oil. Seems just a wee bit hypocritical to me.

So the next time you want to get your panties in a wad and complain about someone smoking in another room or twenty yards away from you, think about how many times you’ve recently eaten at McDonald’s, or had fried foods, or how little you exercise, and once you realize just how unhealthy your own life might be, don’t be so quick to villify. And if it really does bother you, you might be surprised how many smokers will be sympathetic and will put it out. Don’t be some cry-baby liberal and call the cops.

Global Warming - I Wish!

As I sit here typing this, it’s about 25 degrees outside and the high in middle Tennessee hasn’t got far above freezing in several days. It’s snowed twice in the last week as well. TV news shows this record cold wave all over America where some cities have wind chill temps of 40 below zero. Schools in cities that never close due to snow are closing because of the record cold temperatures. Even Hawaii is experiencing low temperatures that state isn’t used to. Yet Al Gore gets nominated for a Nobel Prize for bringing awareness to global warming? Well, the Nobel Peace Prize should have been renamed to the Nobel “I’m a spineless wimp” Prize once Jimmy Carter won it.

Scientists once claimed the earth was flat. Scientists once claimed the sun revolved around the earth. Scientists one stated the earth revolved around the moon. Scientists put stock in the “theory” of evolution when there has NEVER been any concrete evidence. And scientists claimed back in the 1970’s we were headed towards another ice age. The media and other morons act like a scientist could NEVER be wrong when they really don’t have that great of a track record in their theories when it comes to this planet. And now I’m supposed to think that some scientists aren’t wrong when they scream about global warming? Give me a break. If a meteorologist can’t get the weather forecast right 3 days from now, why should I EVER put any stock in what someone says the weather will be like in 100 years?

Now I will say that yes, some climate change might be taking place, but considering weather records have only been kept for about 160 years, there isn’t that much to base anything on. We have warming trends, we have cooling trends. Is it caused by people? WE DON’T KNOW!!! And here’s what really gets me about all this, dopes like Al Gore like to blame America and the way we live, yet India and China are FAR worse polluters than we could hope to be. So why aren’t these tree-huggers attacking those countries? Because America has a wonderful thing called “freedom”. I would love to see some of these tree-huggers go to China and tell them how evil they are polluting the world. I swear, people like Al Gore are put on some kind of pedestal for saying how bad America is with pollution and how we are to blame, yet I don’t see him travelling to China to tell them how bad they are when it comes to pollution. Wow, what guts…way to take a stand Al!!!

Is there some kind of climate change taking place? Maybe. Do I think it’s all because of people? Heck no. Could it be a natural weather cycle? Could be. In 20 years, will scientists be screaming about another ice age? It’s possible. Is Al Gore a moron? Without a doubt, and that’s why I can’t put any stock in anything he says.

If global warming has been taking place all these years, then why do I have to dress for an Arctic expedition to take my two dogs outside so they can take care of business before I go to bed? I’d love to have on a t-shirt and shorts in early February, but I also like to deal with something I call “reality”. And if you ask a tree-hugger why it’s so cold when they cry about global warming, they will tell you it’s because of “shifting weather patterns” that are caused by…yep…global warming.

And remember, all these groups that receive federal funding to “research” global warming would have all that money dry up if it was determined to be just natural weather cycles.

Yes, I think we should do everything we can to cut down on pollution, but I also have faith in God, and I know that this planet will be the home of His creations until He decides to end it.

My Tax Dollars Hard At Work

Supposedly in President Bush’s speech tomorrow night he’s going to talk about a plan to make health insurance more affordable. According to a story from Reuters, “Bush is proposing to make health insurance premiums taxable income, with people who get employer-provided plans that cost more than $15,000 a year facing a tax hike if they do not get cheaper insurance, the White House said.” Excuse me? Let me get this straight…because I decided to actually apply myself, take student loans to finish college, and work for what I have, I might face a tax hike to pay for someone else’s health insurance??? It’s not MY fault someone can’t afford it, so why in the heck would I be penalized? If I want to help someone out I will, but do NOT force me to do it.

When I was 19 I worked at Burger King. Guess what, they had a health insurance plan for people who worked more than 30 hours a week. And because I was out of school at the time, I no longer qualified to fall under my parents’ plan so I signed up for it. My next job at a record store offered a similar plan and I signed up for that one as well. My point is, if you are employed then you probably have access to some kind of health insurance. The only way I can see someone doesn’t have health insurance from an employer is if two conditions exist - 1) You are self-employed and are probably smart enough to have some kind of insurance, or 2) Have no job.

If you fall under reason number one and don’t have insurance, then you might want to take on a job that offers it if you have a family. If you fall under reason number two then get off your butt and go get a job. I didn’t borrow all the money I did and keep trying to improve myself so I can pay for some lazy bum’s health insurance. What…do I sound cold-blooded? Too bad because it’s exactly how I feel. If I choose to give I will, but I DO NOT want the government penalizing me because I actually tried to improve my life. I can’t believe that this President is actually considering this. Well, then again I guess I can considering illegals get free healthcare which is one of the TOP contributing factors to rising costs. That and the ridiculous lawsuits…which John Edwards got rich off of.

I just love getting up every day, going to work, paying my bills on time, and then being penalized because I actually try my best to play by the rules. I’ve got a great idea on how to make health insurance more affordable - just renounce your citizenship. That way every time you even get a cold just go to a nearby ER and get free treatment that the rest of us will have to pay for.

I hope this story is wrong and Bush won’t talk about this. If he does, then he will once again lose any respect I had…and there isn’t much left.

When is Enough Enough?

Two border patrol agents have now been sent to prison for shooting a drug smuggler who crossed the border. The criminal was granted immunity for his testimony against the agents, and our tax dollars went to treat him at an American hospital. And I also see today that Mexican President Felipe Calderon is expressing outrage over the shooting death of an illegal immigrant. This agent thought his life was in jeopardy as he fought with the law-breaker, then shot and killed him. Now, this may sound cold, but I can’t feel much pity. I know that sounds horrible, but it reminds me of the case here in Nashville about a year ago where someone who was wired on drugs was shot with a tazer gun and died. People were outraged, but my take on it was that the drugged-up individual would never have been in that position had he not been breaking the law. Did he deserve to die? No, but if that person hadn’t been breaking the law in the first place, the event would never have happened. It’s the same thing with this illegal immigrant…if he hadn’t been breaking the law, then none of this would have ever happened. If you decide to break the law and something horrible happens, don’t come crying to me about it because YOU put yourself in that position. This agent has now been placed on leave pending an investigation. Don’t you love it when someone does their job and then is chastised for trying to enforce the law?

So the President of Mexico is outraged. What I would like to know is where is the outrage from OUR government? Who has the guts to tell that President of Mexico to shut up? Who has the guts to tell the President of Mexico that it’s AGAINST THE LAW to run across the border and sneak into this country? We have a government that REFUSES to secure our borders and will always undermine the efforts of those whose job it is to try and secure it.

Oh wait, it’s nothing but people wanting to come here for a better way of life. Yeah, whatever. Watch the documentary “Border War” and then come talk to me. Watch an agent’s life put in jeopardy as an illegal smuggler rams his truck trying to get away. Listen to the story of a woman whose father ran one of the first safe-houses in California for illegals speak about being molested constantly as a little girl by these hard-working people looking for a better life.

So what can we do? Our government apparently doesn’t care. Yes, there are very few in Washington that do care, but others are too concerned with raising the minimum wage and making sure people get free digital TV converters. Tony Snow even said that the government has not been enforcing the law….no….really?

Until we are no longer held hostage by this two party system, we will all continue to be expected to be good little serfs and till the land while The House of Lords tells us what’s best for us.